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  • (I tried to private message this response, but your box was full. LOL)

    I'll try to upload some pics of the fairy mask/sculpture pretty soon here and on my art website. Need to make sure it doesn't look too sucky first;). It's a odd looking female face with woven vines around it. (I'm giving her the viney "hair weave" now.) It has a lot of woodzy texture to it. Probably more of a wood nymph than faery gal then I suppose.

    On the phone call I mentioned.
    Thanks for the vote of confidence:)!! Like I just wrote to dreamgirl on here, I really have to psyche myself up to even talk on the phone. I just can't think of that much to say. LOL. I'm better with typing. Are you more "textural" than vocal too?

    Sorry to babble on. Hope you have a good night!
    Hi.Your about section was interesting and it made me smile in a nice way.As it happens Im keen on trees too along with flowers,shrubs and animals.Are you a nature person too or does it not interest you much.
    Hey there,
    ummmmm...interesting? Me? 'Twas merely shopping day for Patrick-- groceries & Big Lots. I love that store! Did score some movies I'd been looking for for $3.00 apiece. Tonight? Probably working on a fairy mask/sculpture and watching one of those movies. (This part is long, so, sorry in advance.) Also, I might make a phone call!!! Have been talking with a friend I met online. We used to chat on the web but now she likes to talk on the phone. She's local and a very nice person but she likes to talk A LOT--with her heavy Brazilian accent mind you. I'm petrified and awkward about phone stuff with anybody. Really kicks off my anxiety. I hate to feel like that. Do you have that problem too? (Forgive the babble!)
    Well, I guess it's not as late in Cali as it is in VA...but...good mornin' to ya! What r u up to tonight? (Mind probably won't notice this message until tomorrow. Ahem.)
    Hey PsycheD,
    Thanks for adding me as a friend.'re my first here! I like trees and eating cake mix too! I'm probably gonna get salmonella.
    good morning psyche!
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