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  • thanks - the cutie is great, but I can't make her my life, my raison d'etre - she doesn't want that, and it wasn't good for me both times I did that before

    I always lived for other people in the past - now that I don't have anyone to live for, I feel completely lost
    ok now that's just messy!

    That could be fun. Or at least interesting. Though I might have the (dis)advantage of never having known the rules at all. ;)

    As for my gaming group, I grew up went to school with them. I think that half of them met in Boy Scouts and realized they shared an affinity for geekdom. I finally met them through my brother in high school, though we didn't really start gaming regularly until the time between semesters in college.

    And as much as I enjoy getting together with them, SA makes every meetup rather difficult. Still, it's about the extent of my social life, so I usually make sure I go no matter how I feel.
    I use to play Axis & Allies many years ago (1979-1985) Great game. I think I still have it packed away somewhere.
    Hello, my newest droogie. I'm glad to see that one of us finally decided to take our relationship to the next level. ;)

    And your avatar reminds me that I still need to do something with that autographed picture I got from Malcolm McDowell in February of last year. It's still in a plastic shopping bag in my top drawer.... Probably not the best way to preserve it....
    When you said "little horned owl" I assumed you meant a young great horned owl. I forgot that the screech owls also have horns. I guess I really should take things more literally. :rolleyes:

    Thanks for sharing pics! As for sexing it, maybe a DNA test? Without having other males and females to compare it to (or maybe extensive little owl experience) it's pretty much impossible to determine. Too bad their sex doesn't determine their plumage, like with many other birds.
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