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    All episodes are clever in one way or another. Be this the science or the delivery of the jokes.

    Like for example the episode, I don't recall what it was called, where they accidental go forward in time too far and end up having to press onward towards the end of the universe. Besides being interesting in the sense that the universe would collapse and restart under the exact same conditions where even the smallest of variables repeat, and as such looping existence. It's also a little bone chilling when you realize they essential part from the original set of characters, have them die off of old age, and replace them with identical duplicates. Made even worse when they kill off their own identical duplicates, people that had experiences/memories of their own. It's a really dark and interesting episode that I really quite like.
    (Had to separate it into two parts due to length. ::p: )


    Don't get me wrong, it's not that I dislike Family Guy, I rather like it actually. But compared to Futurama it's not as deserving for renewal when you compare the writing. Though, I do have have to admit I always enjoy the Brain/Stewie adventure/road to episodes. But that has more to do with my love for adventure shows.

    I can't stand modern Southpark, though. It seems like nothing but celebrity slander, pop culture plots, rehashing of a single joke through the entire episode, and gore/violence in attempt at shock laughs. Plus, the delivery of the jokes and characters isn't as good. It used to be absolutely fantastic - but they've lost their touch in my opinion.
    It's a sad thing, huh? In the meanwhile flat and uninspired shows like Southpark and Family Guy get to continue strongly, kind of an injustice if you ask me. But that's besides the point. I'm not actually sure. They have all been such stellar episodes with impeccable comedy writing, I can't remember really favouring any over the other.

    I did especially enjoy the episodes with special narratives though. Like for example ''Reincarnation'' (season six) where the story is told through an old timey black and white cartoon section, a classic video game pixel section and later an Anime parody section, together telling a single story. Besides being funny, episodes like that were a conceptual treat as well.

    (And to this day I can't see the ''Tickle-me Bender'' clip without loosing it.)

    What were some of your own favourites?
    Yea I know, I was riding on the positives. I suppose there are other factors that alter personality. My grandfather naturally was laid back and calm. He remained that way until he stopped speaking at one point. Wishing her the best, as well as your family.
    Positives? - Alzheimer's Disease & Dementia Message Board - HealthBoards

    Mikey, I thought this might lift your spirits a bit to read. At least I hope so. =X
    Haha yeah, that's true. Thanks, I hope so too. :)
    I'm glad to hear that. Ah what kind of things if you don't mind me asking?
    i've never actually seen it, just started it and am about half way through the first season, i dont mind it but they fail with suspense, music and timing lol.
    Oh yeah, im currently reading The hunger games, watching Lost from season one, and playing my new nintendo 3DS (not at the same time though lol)
    i do, but since i broke my rib im technically supposed to sit or lay and rest 24/7... So really i should catch up on uni work, but i like the blame my inattention on the painkillers and pretend like im not just being lazy ;)
    Ahh, i always say i wont come online as much and instead do practical things, but then i realize two minutes have passed since i last went on one of my sites ;)
    Hey Mikey how's everything? Did anything change in your life? We talked 2 months ago, now the summer is over it was great and maybe even a bit long. I have a girlfriend now, she's only 17, we got together almost 2 weeks ago. :)
    Hello, MikeyC I see you like the simpsons. Do you still watch simpsons ? My favorite character is bart and Homer .
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