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  • aww sorry hun i didnt wanted call u mam but was good connection with damn:) hehe i know u arent for sure 60+. This forum is really great a lot of nice people. Yes try maybe u will find some also very good forum where u cant get a lot of advices for RL live.
    hehe and this damn site againg got u damn:) This i call addiction mam:D Yes this say the right person. Thank u for wishes:)
    I enjoy with u too:) is funny game i like create funny ones i try that they give some funny story or sense but sometimes is hard:) i guess i find easy if im adding names to create something good what make laugh or sound with sense. By the way im noctrual then i dont know sleep yet. If u go dear feathers i wish u good night and sweet dreams, lol i should say maybe morning?:D
    Weldone for going :) thats good news!! :D oh and thanks so much for answering all of my threads your advice is really helpful so thanks again :D
    For the record, I cleaned out my PM inbox a little bit, so you can send me PMs again, if you tried and weren't able to :) (but not too many, I haven't been decluttering that much! :))
    Aww! Thank you <3 I have no idea why we're not friends yet as you seem like an awesome person. I look forward to getting to know you better. :)
    Feathers, well thank u very much for sweet words, no i didnt change i think, only just if i read every day more english and write more i can express me better as i wish, anyway isnt exactly what i imagine about my expression because i miss a lot of words. Your enlish is perfect! I was always liking express in poetry somehow i can describe in poetry the most what i really feel. But im happy u see me grown and changed sound beautiful to me:) Thank u for sugestion for new nickname i will keep it this one for now. Maybe some day? I was curious where are u from because u was ones asking me and i was answering to you now i will not repeat me on your wall but i will send u one more time PM:)but u didnt told me where u are from. I was thiking maybe from PL?
    Hello Feathers,

    I like your answers u seem pretty smart and carrying about people :)and this impress me a lot, i love your clear mind and how u response to people is a gift! Have nice day and i hope we can be frends.
    To anyone brave enough to chat with me on the chat thingie - I'm still learning this chat thing! (and trying to be brave about it :)) If I didn't reply, it's probably cause I didn't notice, was deeply focused on answering on the forum! Also, haven't figured out how to talk with more than one person - the chat thingie is a bit weird.. So if I don't reply, it means I'm either busy or didn't see you!! (Or maybe I don't know you and I'm afraid of you? :)) We can chat another time or talk on the forum or just drop me a message!
    More like a bad couple of weeks, I think having too much time on my hands to relax is part of the problem In the first place. But thanks for the kind words. Hope life is treating you better than it is me!
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