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  • Hi, im still as socially awkward as ever but atleast I am glad I have a job now.
    theyre actually an old pair of glasses i just colored red lol
    theyre kinda streaky though, probably should have used some sort of clear paint for glass or something. but glad you like them =]
    Hii =) I'm fine, you? Yeah, I love Nintendo, they made my childhood, and I still play their stuff!
    Hello :)

    I'm good, hows you?

    I'm super rubbish at ps3, as I only just got it a few weeks ago (we had a wii before but got bored of it) so, so far i've just played GTA and mortal combat (re-living my childhood) but I can never tell which ones i'm going to like as I am not an especially consistant person. What game do you generally play?
    Thank you.

    I am learning German. It's kind of a habit now which is good since I want to become fluent. Mainly I am taking care of my son though. It would be nice to get support from someone.
    Hey! :) Thank you for accepting! I'm never good with, "How are you" questions. My answer is always the same. "Uh, I'm doing okay". BLAH! I need to change that! One day, I hope to be able to say, "GREAT", and mean it!. Anything new with you?.....successes, setbacks, challenges?
    Anytime. :) I just finished my running around this morning. Brrr it's cold out there! So glad I don't have to go out for the rest of the day. Blankets and tea for this lady. :thumbup: Thinking about watching an anime or something. Whats up with you?
    I just happened to come across your thread: "I'm ugly...". I can't believe you think that about yourself! I'm beginning to think SA is an attractive person's disease (except for me). There are a disproportionate amount of beautiful people with this disorder compared to other illnesses. It really doesn't make sense to me??? Hopefully you're not feeling that way anymore. :)
    Sassy, I like your videos. Your self-description doesn't seem like what I've seen and heard. I guess you're like me, to behave and act in the way you want to, and it's not easy to do with a lot of people around. You do come across like a bold celebrity. I have a certain way I want to be. I can. It takes a lot of effort to do it in public. I am amazed and impressed that you speak perfectly fluent English. I couldn't to that in French or German, which I was taught to do. So many foreign people I've met on Skype have perfect English like you.
    You're welcome, Saskia :) You are an exceptional person and I'm sure you're going to do well in life. That book looks good, I'm going to find a copy on the weekend, I need some ideas for boosting happiness at the moment :)
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