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  • Oh, okay. Bookstores for me are one of the few places I feel comfortable being in. Coffee shops too. I could spend hours there. I used to read way more. I think the internet has really cut down on my book reading time :s I do a lot of reading online though so I do read, just not books :)

    Like with music, if I like a song I will download all the albums of the artist. Same with books I suppose. But I don't have many favorite authors, or some just don't write many books. Jennifer Weiner has seven books I think. Her stories center around women, and I suppose that is why I like them so much. I do tend to prefer women writers and their point of view. But I am writing too much :D How are you doing today?
    No probs, I have to go soon too and probably won't be back tonight or will be late if I am!
    Don't know that much about him yet other than hes Fei's split personlity? at least thatis what I am lead to believe from what I got so far lol, I shall let you know when I find out more about him!
    Doh don't recognise it much from cartoon form, is that ID's gear? I know when he is Fei he controls Weltal but can't think whose else it might be lol
    No probs, going to do the same myself, should probably try to sleep, it's 6am here lol!
    Ah I could not really name the songs but I love them all, in rpgs I always find myself loving the music. I never need to put my own music on because I love the catchy tunes that much haha! Yeh I got lost more on this playthrough than I did on my first lol. I'll figure it out but I am fairly sure it's one of the two things I said! I shall update you when I know more, which red gear do you mean, can you find me a pic?
    Songs from the game or any? lol - I can't remember much, think I am about to go have the big battle you have in the awesome variation of the gears! either that or I am about to go investigate the sewers but I can't remember lol. When I go back on I will see if I can find someone who will tell me what I was supposed to be doing. Fairly sure it's one of those
    That's it! I knew it began with an R lol, actually that is the reason I wasn't playing I think I am stuck, found myself running around constantly not knowing where to go!

    Hows the music, what do you mean? lol
    Hey, Currently I am at the prison place you know where you meet that guy oh crap what is his name, not played it in a while. Aah I forgot his name lol I think he is green, kinda reminds me of blanka from street fighter. I have being right to the end of the game before I think though. I'm going to play it again when I complete a few other games!

    Aww wish you could buy it! If you were local I could of given you it for free! It's very cheap though! Maybe ask for Christmas? :p
    I have all her books actually. All gotten from dollar bookstores :D I get the majority of my books there since I am on a budget. I could spend a long time in them too. Fun stuff! No? Yessss! Haha...I used to like spending time at Borders too, but they closed down, so sad. Barnes & Noble is not the same for me I dunno why. Do you like coffee?
    Continuing on the book convo...

    I never did get into the fantasy genre. I have a Jennifer Weiner book I have not read-she is a chick lit author, but she doesn't write your typical chick lit books. They are well-written and very interesting.

    Hope you are having a good weekend. Sorry it took me so long to write back!
    Haha I don't know who she is yet, found her on my cousin's cell. But I'm still looking for any information on this mysterious girl lol :p Do you want to be a counsellor?
    I actually haven't yet figured out what I want to do for my final project. I have until mid-January to figure out what I'm going to do.
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