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  • Thanks.

    There were cameras in the cabinet when I went over there, thankfully. I took one out and brought it back to my apartment. Just finished using it a moment ago. I plan on going to develop the negatives at 2.

    I'm just so glad that I'm able to get everything done today like I planned, even though I had to rush it. I kinda feel embarrassed for freaking out, but then that's just how I am when it comes to my work.
    No, I can't buy one for myself. These are old-school view cameras that I can only get online, and since the semester is more than halfway over, it would be pointless to buy one. Plus, I'd have to buy other things for it, too, such as a lens, cable release, etc. It's a major pain.

    Once the classroom opens at 12:35, I'm going over there and seeing if anyone left their camera in the cabinet. If there's one in there, I'm taking it and bringing it over to my apartment for a bit just to shoot my photos. I don't care anymore.
    I really don't have much of a choice. We HAVE to share these cameras because there are not enough for everyone in the class. This is why I hate sharing, though. Nothing ever gets done.
    I have to share a camera with a classmate, and last night she was supposed to give it to me, but she never did. She said I could get it, then turns around and says she's nowhere near campus and that she can't get it to me at all that night. I asked if I could get it early morning the next day (today), but she never responded. I even woke up at 6:30 this morning and e-mailed the rest of my class asking if I could borrow one of their cameras, but none of them ever responded. So I finally e-mailed my professor, but even HE hasn't responded yet.

    I'm so sick of all these incompetent pieces of trash. Now I'm probably going to be behind because of all this sh*t. I wanted to get most of my work done before Thanksgiving break, but it doesn't look like I'll get to do that now. I hate people.
    I don't know. I wish I knew the answer to that.

    I'm not too sure of how to put it into words properly, but.. well, in some way I find it amusing whenever you say stuff like "I have my eyes/heart set only on you" and whatnot because I'm used to guys saying stuff like that when in truth they really don't mean what they say and soon enough toss me to the side for someone else. But I guess I'm being selfish by thinking that you have your eyes set only on me when I see that you're flirting with other girls here too.
    Well of course I prefer the "calm, sensible you" but I can't say I dislike the "skirt-chasing you". While I don't approve of having anything more than a friendship (not just with you, but any guy for that matter), it makes for interesting conversation. As frustrating as it can be at times ::p:
    I can't really say. All I can say is: I give up. There really is no deterring you. When you've got your eyes on someone you just don't give up. I tip my hat off to you on that one though as the percentage of the male population capable of doing that in the present is about 0.5% so kudos to you my friend~
    You want my honest response? You've got it: I don't date skirt-chasers, even if my skirt/pair of pajama pants is the one being chased. There are plenty of other fabulous ladies on this site with nicer skirts to be chased y'know ::p:
    What picture? I don't know what you're talking about :rolleyes: ::p:
    Haha kidding of course, but no can do my good sir. I am much too insecure to put it back up and putting it up once for your eyes to behold was more than enough xP
    > older women have the experience

    Well, you're certainly welcome to practice your flirting skills on me. ;)

    As for the rest, let me have a think. It's a pity I don't know how you come across in person.
    Oh dude, look I'm 40 (and no cougar) so you really don't need to worry about that. Think of me as your Auntie Aletheia. You can safely come tell me all your girl troubles.
    My personality here is similar to the one I express out in the world, but I have an advantage here as I can think of responses ahead of time and I'm veiled by anonymity.

    But, anyway! I'll find her. I have intimacy issues so that's got to be resolved first, haha. :)
    Ah, haha. I must come off as some kind of chick-magnet here! I assure you that's just not the case. I'm too shy to approach anyone and I've been rejected before. I wouldn't mind being that magnet sometimes, though. :)
    Ah, I see. Something like Charlie Sheen, I suppose? Thanks for clearing that up for me, Deadman. :)

    However, that's certainly not me at all! Hahaha.
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