Yeah, I like both Kirino and Kyousuke! He reminds me of Kyon in Haruhi Suzumiya, I think they are really similar.

Sincerely I watched it just once and I have yet to watch OAVs... but I'll remedy soon.
As for me, I'm now reading Blame!, Homunculus, Highschool of the Dead, GANTZ, Claymore, Oyasumi PunPun, Mushishi, Deadman Wonderland... and the list could be endless, lol. I think our tastes aren't very similar, though. My favorite manga and anime of all time is absolutely Welcome to the NHK, do you know this one?
Regarding anime I am watching just To Love Ru for the time being (nothing special

) and I'm looking forward to watch second season of Kaiji (the first season was also one of my favorite, do you know it?).
I'd say I prefer psychological and splatter anime/manga, but I read/watch almost everything I think I could appreciate!