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  • Hi, indeed!!

    I'm doing pretty good, thank you. Have been to germany today.. Was a lovely trip, love trips.... Want to go abroad though!!!!
    How about yourself??? how's you?

    Let's start the writing project? should we? ;)

    If you feel like writing (like we discussed before) here's my email
    [email protected]

    or just whenever you need someone to talk to.. :)

    or add me on msn... (it's on my pro)

    Yeh I agree, and I think it is probably ok to post my work here. Not sure if everyone will understand it or like it but I can still show things. I might make a post about it over the weekend when I have a bit more free time. I'm not really sure where I could put it mind, will see if there is a section for it. I will let you know when I post it. I really don't think it would be a bad thing to show, everyone here seems nice enough and I don't think it would affect any future work. Going to go bed now but will speak to you later.
    I'm not sure, I was kind of unsure about doing it, didn't want clients to find out I have issues sometimes lol, need to be confident and if they see I have issues maybe they wouldn't? I have thought about it a lot lately though and I may just go ahead, seems people are really starting to ask me about what I do. I spose clients won't really see me on here and theres nothing wrong with having issues right? I donno it's a weird conundrum lol, I don't think am employer would employ me if I was depressed, or is this incorrect?
    Yup that definitely doesn't help. Thanks! :) It says 16 grand (GBP) a year depending on experience. I think in some areas I am over experienced so I am not sure how much I will get yet. I would actually be ok with 16k per year because that on top of anything I do as self employed would be a nice income especially since I am at saving and can live on very low when live with parents. If I get the job I have an awesome plan. I make designs for bands, well anyone who wants a design really but mostly bands and until recently it was mostly myspace but at the moment its starting to be facebook and actual web sites!
    Oh driving is something I definitely can not get myself to do yet, for some reason that's my biggest problem when it comes to been anxious. I can't see myself doing it at all unless no ones on the road lol :( - I hope you manage to do it, find what you like and it will be easier. I am going for web designer. I currently do this self employed so I know what I am doing, not sure why so nervous maybe because interview, not used to them and the idea of working with people and 9-5 around people...would be a hell of a change!
    ...but it could of changed now and the bit I need to go to...never been before but I think I will be ok and these things are never as bad as you think they are!
    Ah man, never asked for a job before, and I am actually very nervous right now as I asked last night and now I have an interview on Friday morning and I am very very nervous but I think it's just something where gonna have to face, just going to have to do it and not back out, some people have it worse but I am stuck now, I have no choice, I have to go now! this is how I look at it and this one for me really is a one I can not afford to pass up. I am sick of missing opportunities because of myself, trying to be better and go for it regardless! I hope you can get there too! The majority of the time they don't reply to me so I never got interviews! It's also out of town so that adds a bit more to nervousness. Going to get a taxi there then attempt to make my way home via bus...that should be fun for someone who is paranoid about being alone in new places haha. I've been to the town before many years ago...
    How old are you again, not able to buy it yourself? - The Vita does look absolutely amazing though, I am actually more excited for it than ps3, surprisingly :S
    Oh yeh I have a ps2 as well lol, and a gamecube, and me dad has a wii I used sometimes, my ps3 plays ps2 games mind but I use the ps2 still :p PS3 is very cheap now, and soon there will be another price drop I believe. Howcome your getting a Vita but not PS3, Vita costs more! lol
    Nah mostly console games as in offline games like normal rpgs, I do have a few games I go online with though, like uncharted 2 and 3, though not much yet but plan to go on 3 more when I get it back off my friend. Not a big fan of online games, very mild if I do, other than mmos back in the day. I have ps3, pc, psp, just sold my DS as gonna be buying 3DS eventually, and then soon will have Vita :p you?
    I haven't really delved into the classes in rift or aion but there all kinda similar to each other to be honest, thought Rift, the talent system was insane, way different to the rest, the customisation level seemed crazy, the amount you could custimise and the extent of it seems really good but only played the trial, but even that was amazing. I just don't want to spend too much time on a game like that, and pay monthly bills, it also felt different, I used to log on WoW and have lots of friends and we would all play but in the end everyone stopped so it wasn't the same, that's the main reason I don't play them anymore. I prefer console games and the ability to play them whenever I want without monthly bills
    I don't play any anymore but the main one I did play was WoW, ever since I stopped (and went back a few times) I have constantly tried a few but just can't get into mmo's at the moment lol. Two others which came close where Rift and Aion, they both seemed good but I only played a few hours of them, Rift seemed very good. The new Star Wars one is out soon which just looks like WoW but with Star Wars in it lol
    Mine would just be a good damage dealer with a little heal spell as backup, so maybe a paladin / monk
    it's not melee based games as such, just usually if I can go melee in a game I do. Like in every final fantasy game I always choose melee over magic, and in action rpgs or action games I always pick melee (nearly). Especially in MMO games though I am trying to get myself to try some ranged / magic classes
    Yeh I do prefer melee just not in uncharted, uncharted is one of the only shooting games I love
    Oh wasn't aware of that in ref to persona 4! oh oh u mentioned uncharted on vita too, can't wait for that! I loved 3 but I am more excited for the vita one for some reason. 3 was forcing a bit more melee combat than usual too, was good but prefer the combat to be gun fights (theres a first for me!). Hmm I wasn't aware you could pick people in type-0, don't really know anything about it other than it looks amazing lol. Will go get some sleep now but reply to you tommorow, good night :)
    two persona 4 games? do u mean the vita one and the ps2 one? (if so why both?) I want FFXIII-2 as well but not buying it on release this time, waiting for it to go cheap because combat wise it looks the same as XIII but with a little extra and some stupid action button sequences SIGH. I definitely want type-0 can not wait for that! they want to hurry up and release it, what is going on there? vita is out soon! Is this still a psp game?! oh oh and I am extremely excited for FF Versus XIII but as time goes on I am hearing so little about it! it's like KH without the disney = GIMME IT NOW! :D
    I'm sure there will be, the problem with anime is I never know the names or anything upcoming, I just usually happen upon them by chance! It's not like a game where I constantly see and hear about them. Game wise the upcoming ones I am very excited about are ni no kuni on ps3 and tales of graces, again on ps3! and tales of the abyss on 3DS (came out late november, but I will get it whenever I buy a 3DS). I am only buying a 3DS so far for that and the new KH. I'm also looking forward to kingdom of amalur, and the cursed crusade, hunted and dungeon siege 3...ok that is a lot, I best spend a lot of time during the holidays catching up lol. How about you?
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