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  • Ah, one of those states of mind. They are confusing, but they go away, thank goodness. Maybe like old habits or mindsets sneaking in against new ones? You have made a lot of positive changes. You sound like you're handling it pretty well, though!
    I'm actually pretty good, thanks for the ask :) Although, I can relate to what you're feeling
    Or maybe too much? :p You can try to go for a walk or something (and is an agoraphobic who says it XP).
    I'm sorry you're feeling bad, man, I hope you get better soon. If you want to go into more details you can always send me a PM.
    Take care sir :)
    I heard your call and came. Amazing how animals have some extra sense or something :D I will be going on SPW more. Without being obsessive. Lemurs have returned! :)
    Since when are ponies angry? XD
    Dude, you're scary o.0 (you have an evil pony mentality :p)
    Just so you can see it die everytime you check your profile...
    I prefer the Dovah fight talk :p

    FUS RO DAH!!! - YouTube

    Just an ordinary day in Skyrim - YouTube

    Effect of FOS RO DAH after years of recovering ^
    I noticed that the nudity mod had options for both the normal 2-nipple Khajiit and the more appropriate 6-nipple Khajiit.

    Not that I downloaded it or anything.

    that's good to hear, I've been on and off music myself. I'm doing well, thanks for asking. what have you been up to?
    Hey Puma! :) Thanks! It's really late so I'll write you proper some other day, need to get current on all the journals too! :) Seems you've had some exciting adventures! Hope things stay good and get even better!!
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