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Truth is im scared of being in a relation im afraid i might mess up
Thanks for asking
Girls are generally clingy and dependent on me. All 4 years younger. They all squeal with me. They like me. I make 'em laugh in ways they never expect. I do this with all friends, by being unique.
I've never got to know any girl while at school
Since starting uni, I was the one with entrepreneur dreams
before Grad I was enjoying pizza delivery - the one who came home off shift with free Dominos for all, as my colleagues did - therefore they were an addition to the house of 5 and their partners.
After about 6 years on a reasonable salary which increased, life was good. As her mum said, life & relationships are all about money, and problems are rooted in that. Nothing else. After breaking up because I invested in small property which put her off. I had a car, to make life good. This has changed. Many years without license or vehicle.
Next girls have done all the driving & earning, and while I've been unemployed a lot!! Since 2001, no chance to get anyone to move in with me for any longer than a few months. Good relationships with those from different countries to study / work in London, when I am working.
Had 3 cars and my current one is the best - supplied by an ex who her company moved her to Dubai & now San Francisco, who left the car with me.
By the way, I couldn't start it this morning. I tramped all the miles across to town to my favourite supermarket with rucksack in freezing winds. It's on the 5th new battery I gave it last July. They die within a year when supposed to last 3 years. ? is that meant to be a relationship? :sarcastic:
I've looked after this old machine, with full services, tyres, brakes, exhausts, learning how to replace the wipers. Never had to wash it, however dirty it gets, because its metallic paint and hard rain takes care of that - no garage - off road parking. It has my sound system transferred from all cars with upgrades. Today I tried my backup mobile battery which always works. Been through 2012 and until recently, interviewing all over the UK in that car. Without funds, this motor might die. I don't have the social ability to ask any of the people in these apartments for a jumpstart, who all have cars. Mine is the oldest by a wide margin. Not even up to calling someone in town to do me a favour anymore.
I'm all DIY. I see reliance on others as weak - the type of people who are religiously-heavy, with family
i am extremely loyal to those i profess my love for. even after i break with them, i may disagree with them, but should anything happen to them i am right there for them.
maybe i come off as clingy becuase my SA limits who i interact with? not sure
i would have to ask them
Horrible :sarcastic: I am very anxious as Woody Allen. I can't sleep with other people and i like travel and going out alone.
My social skills sucks, i don't like parties or social events.
I have a difficult personality to have girlfriend :bigsmile: My last girlfriend was with me one year and i left her because we got very bad together :sad:
I'm very insecure when it comes to dating..My current girlfriend is trying to help me get through my insecurity