I actually COULDN'T DO any of these tests. Most of the questions i have NO IDEA about how to answer!. Either i'm just way too different to the norm, or these types of tests still have a fair way to go (like psychology/etc in general). But i suppose i COULD have done the AvPD test, but WHY BOTHER, if i can't do the test properly. Anyway, i ALREADY KNOW how avoidant i am (extremely, almost 100%) - i don't need a "score" for that! lol


Well-known member
I scored 34, and according to this test, I have Avoidant Personality Disorder and should consult with a medical professional for further diagnosis.

You obviously can't go by one test. In many respects I think I'm strong headed, independent and I tend to blow off what other people think.

Here's the test. What's your score?

Psymed - Avoidant Personality Disorder Test

Keep blowing people off until you learn to be selective about who to take advice from. I have found that 90% of people who try to give you advise don't know sh**t about what they are talking about anyway. They are social confabulators. You need to work-at and learn how to have a free will. All humans have the "capacity" for it, but are raised to be followers from birth. Not to say that following rules is a bad thing; just as long as it doesn't conflict with your right to have a self identity. The cage was meant to be rattled once and a while.


Well-known member
Not even going to say my score :( i agree i don't think its wise to go by just one test or just online tests as you don't know who made them etc.. best to talking to a therapist.


Well-known member
woohoo, we got the same score 37 :thumbup:

i was given this diagnosis after extensive testing and interviews with a psychologist a few years ago

huh? I would have imagine you scoring lower. I wonder if there is anyone active on this forum with a score lower than 30.
Avoidd me

I got a 43. I don't necessarily think I have the disorder, it's more just severe insecurities and that constant feeling of inferiority.


Well-known member
I scored 39 and was advised to seek medical help. Yeah, that's useful. I've had tons of medical help, and I was lucky when it didn't make me worse.