Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Active member
That's what the pit supporters would have you believe. The thing with these dogs though is that they often snap anyway, in spite of being treated quite well. There have been plenty of reports of seemingly docile pitbulls attack for seemingly no reason. Just as a border collie is hard-wired to herd, and a pointer is going to point, pitbulls are specifically bred for violence and aggression and so it should come as no surprise when they revert back to their genetically hard-wired nature. Just read some of this information.

The TRUTH About Pit Bulls

Yes, all dogs can bite and get mean, but pitbulls often do so for no good reason (other than their innate urge to, which people deny), and they are more dangerous because they are physically more hardy and strong. Yes, the locked jaw thing is a myth, but they DO bite very hard and refuse to let go.

Anyway that's all I have to say, you probably won't convince me and I obviously won't be convincing anyone. That's the way these controversial issues work. Just, if you have a pitbull, please keep it far, far away from me.

Edit: here's the story I was talking about earlier, about the activist woman who was killed by her pitbull. The dog was always well-behaved, and one day just snapped:

Darla Napora: Pregnant woman dies after being mauled by pet dog in living room | Mail Online

I want those things banned, haha. Scary as hell.

That was the most misinformed drivel I have read in a long time. Absolutely appalling views. I do wish people would educate themselves on an issue instead of vehemently defending a fallacy. Stop scaremongering and do some proper research, instead of scouring anti-Pit Bull blogs :rolleyes: The work of Eric Bellows Path Ethic, Victoria Stilwell and 'Pit Bulls and Parolees' would at least be a start, to help you get over this irrational fear/hatred.

Protip, quoting the Daily Mail as a source doesn't help anyones argument. It is a propagandist rag with a very anti-bull breed stance. I won't be returning to this thread, my stupid quota for the month has been exceeded.

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
Protip, quoting the Daily Mail as a source doesn't help anyones argument. It is a propagandist rag with a very anti-bull breed stance.

I think you mean:

"It is a propagandist rag with a very anti-everything stance."

If it isn't something that a stereotypical white, middle-class, middle-aged English person would do, then the Daily Mail hates it. :rolleyes:


Well-known member
I think you mean:

"It is a propagandist rag with a very anti-everything stance."

If it isn't something that a stereotypical white, middle-class, middle-aged English person would do, then the Daily Mail hates it. :rolleyes:

it also used to support fascism;

Lord Rothermere was a friend of Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler, and directed the Mail's editorial stance towards them in the 1930s.[30][31] Rothermere's 1933 leader "Youth Triumphant" praised the new Nazi regime's accomplishments, and was subsequently used as propaganda by them.[32] In it, Rothermere predicted that "The minor misdeeds of individual Nazis would be submerged by the immense benefits the new regime is already bestowing upon Germany". Journalist John Simpson, in a book on journalism, suggested that Rothermere was referring to the violence against Jews and Communists rather than the detention of political prisoners.[33]
Rothermere and the Mail were also editorially sympathetic to Oswald Mosley and the British Union of Fascists.[34] Rothermere wrote an article entitled "Hurrah for the Blackshirts" in January 1934, praising Mosley for his "sound, commonsense, Conservative doctrine".[35] This support ended after violence at a BUF rally in Kensington Olympia later that year

from wikipedia's page on the paper
That was the most misinformed drivel I have read in a long time. Absolutely appalling views. I do wish people would educate themselves on an issue instead of vehemently defending a fallacy. Stop scaremongering and do some proper research, instead of scouring anti-Pit Bull blogs :rolleyes: The work of Eric Bellows Path Ethic, Victoria Stilwell and 'Pit Bulls and Parolees' would at least be a start, to help you get over this irrational fear/hatred.

Protip, quoting the Daily Mail as a source doesn't help anyones argument. It is a propagandist rag with a very anti-bull breed stance. I won't be returning to this thread, my stupid quota for the month has been exceeded.

A bit rude, as I was simply expressing my views on the matter. No need to call anyone stupid. Discussion doesn't have to involve personal attacks.

Anyway, it doesn't matter what source I use in this case, if you Google "Darla Napora" it comes up on many different news sites. Same story.

Pregnant woman in California, Darla Napora ,mauled, killed by own pit bull - New York Daily News

Thank you to the people here who responded to my posts with respect. Even if I am way off, there is no need to be so rude.

This is the random thoughts/feelings thread, other topics will come up.
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AND on a non-controversial, safe topic (why did I ever say anything :rolleyes:), I really want to make a homemade chai tea latte. It sounds really simple. Unfortunately, I do not have allspice or vanilla non-dairy creamer, and I won't be able to get them any time soon. Too bad.


Well-known member
I think I'm going for the world record of weird dreams. I should be writing these down so I can make an abstract book out of them. :)
I think I'm going for the world record of weird dreams. I should be writing these down so I can make an abstract book out of them. :)

I don't know, Mikey. I have some pretty out-there dreams myself. I suppose we'd have to compare :D

What was your dream, if you don't mind my asking?
That's what the pit supporters would have you believe. The thing with these dogs though is that they often snap anyway, in spite of being treated quite well. There have been plenty of reports of seemingly docile pitbulls attack for seemingly no reason. Just as a border collie is hard-wired to herd, and a pointer is going to point, pitbulls are specifically bred for violence and aggression and so it should come as no surprise when they revert back to their genetically hard-wired nature. Just read some of this information.

The TRUTH About Pit Bulls

Yes, all dogs can bite and get mean, but pitbulls often do so for no good reason (other than their innate urge to, which people deny), and they are more dangerous because they are physically more hardy and strong. Yes, the locked jaw thing is a myth, but they DO bite very hard and refuse to let go.

Anyway that's all I have to say, you probably won't convince me and I obviously won't be convincing anyone. That's the way these controversial issues work. Just, if you have a pitbull, please keep it far, far away from me.

Edit: here's the story I was talking about earlier, about the activist woman who was killed by her pitbull. The dog was always well-behaved, and one day just snapped:

Darla Napora: Pregnant woman dies after being mauled by pet dog in living room | Mail Online

I want those things banned, haha. Scary as hell.

I'm going to have to disagree greatly with you. I worked at a pet store for 3 years and people were always bringing their dogs and cats (and birds and lizards and hamsters) into the store. Some of the most well trained and sweet dogs where pit bulls, boxers, rottweilers, chow-chows and the like. And some of the most misbehaved, obnoxious dogs where Chihuahuas, Pomeranians, West Highland terriers, and other small dogs. I got bit several times... never by the so-called "aggressive breeds."

I understand the fear that people have in these dogs. They are strong, compact, and can inflict maximum damage. But so can German shepherds, Great Danes, Dobermans... and pretty much any animal that is frightened. (Have you ever been bitten by a conure? Or a ball python? Oh my god, it hurts so much! It feels like they are going to bite your finger clean off.) Most of the time, the blame for a bad dog lies with the owner. "There is no such thing as a bad dog, only a bad owner." If you don't discipline your dog from a young age (especially bigger dogs that weigh 80+ and have big teeth), there are going to be behavioral problems. All of that falls on the owner.

My mom adopted a chow-chow/golden retriever mix almost 10 years ago. We didn't discipline him properly. So now he barks at everything and puffs himself up to look aggressive. But he is a big baby. He's never bit anyone. And we make sure that he would never get the chance. He has no escape routes from the backyard. He is never let outside without a leash. He is always either supervised or somehow detained. I honestly don't know what would happen if he got out and their were a perfect storm of circumstances where he comes face to face with a kid on a skateboard - he goes bonkers when he hears skateboard or roller blade wheels on cement. And I don't ever want to find out.

The history of the dog also plays a huge part. So many are neglected or abused that, when afraid, they do the only thing they can do - attack. And with dog fighting a fairly popular and disgusting sport, the breeds that are used the most (pit bulls and boxers) get a bum rap. They can be just as loving as a golden retriever or a beagle. They just need the same amount of love and care put back into their care and handling.

/rant Sorry, but animals are a passion of mine. I could talk about this topic until I turn blue in the face, but I'm sure that none of us wants that. ;)


Well-known member
I don't know, Mikey. I have some pretty out-there dreams myself. I suppose we'd have to compare :D

What was your dream, if you don't mind my asking?
I should've said personal record. :)

Long story short, I drove to Canberra, a 3 hour drive from here, to deal with a phone problem, but then had to drive back home to go to work, and met a new person who told me to beat it, all the while waking up every hour or so from chest pain. So yeah, that was crazy. :)
I should've said personal record. :)

Long story short, I drove to Canberra, a 3 hour drive from here, to deal with a phone problem, but then had to drive back home to go to work, and met a new person who told me to beat it, all the while waking up every hour or so from chest pain. So yeah, that was crazy. :)

Ah, okay. I think I beat you ::p:

Chest pain, though? Are you okay?
I've filed this under "Oh my god, I can't believe he just said that... but yeah, I kind of can."




(insert the most massive of facepalms here)
I've filed this under "Oh my god, I can't believe he just said that... but yeah, I kind of can."



(insert the most massive of facepalms here)


Then again, am I really that shocked? :rolleyes:

But wow, that seems low even for him. Though I'm sure I've missed more gems, I don't exactly watch his show... :p

I need to stop spammming this thread. Dishes are waiting for me... :/


Well-known member
Dogs are animals and as such are not perfect,like any animal they could snap at anytime,by stress or by any other reason,I dont buy that "its always the owners fault",yes in a perfect world the owner should prevent and make sure that its always safe,but this isnt a perfect world,I think there should be some vigorous training for anyone buying a large dog or have only law enforcement oficers to own it.


Well-known member
Looking in the mirror after washing up and realizing that I'm having the shakes. I guess my nerves are shot.


Well-known member
i guess people do like others to be very open and possibly even conflicting and nasty towards them, as opposed to being well... not.

that's the price a "nice guy" pays. you get rejected since the other person has no real reason to reject you. ah, the irony. :rolleyes:
A bit rude, as I was simply expressing my views on the matter. No need to call anyone stupid. Discussion doesn't have to involve personal attacks.

While I still don't agree with said topic views, with all due respect of course (let's not re-open that topic), I do agree that we need to make more of an effort to separate disagreement from disrespect. Discussions are for the sake of evaluating similar and opposite opinions/views, and for the sake of potential intellectual growth.

It's not a game a for anyone to win, so why treat it like one? No need to hurt, insult or be otherwise condescending. It hurts whatever good could potentially come from the discussion.
I feel that birthdays would be more special if they were celebrated every five years or so. And instead of counting life's age in years, it should be, I think, measured in months. A year is a long time span and makes it a very ambiguous standard for a applied numeric measurement.