Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

Yeah, there is someone. Unexpected. Helped a lot.

Memories remain and I want them to remain. I don't want to forget.

I'm sorry for your loss, Sial. Loosing someone you care about isn't easy even under the best possible circumstances. Write down your memories, if you have to. Memories are hard to forget, art associated with them, pins them down in the mind and makes them semi-eternal. If you ever fear to forget, make them semi-eternal.

And of course remember to thoroughly celebrate her life, as well as mourning its loss. We're here if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask.


Well-known member
Biology Final Exam Complete

Part 2 of 4 complete

Condition: Stressin' out

How I did: Well, I tripped up some, but I think I should get another B or (if I'm unlucky) C. Unfortunately, this is one class I'm worried I might fail. While I can get A's and B's in that class, what kills me is when I miss work, which happened a fair bit this semester. I had an F on my midterm and, while I've been getting some more work in, I'm concerned that my grade will still fall short of passing.


Well-known member
O_O just sat down to study anatomy. I'm screwed. But today's my last final, and I'm freeeeeee (for a few weeks) lol

And deadman- Same here, anatomy's the only class I struggled in because I started a new job 1/2 way through the semester. plus i hated the class. I'm on the edge of passing. I guess we'll see when we get our grades back.
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Well-known member
Tired. So many things to do. And suddenly I am in a much worse mood. I feel I cannot be liked by anyone naturally.
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Well-known member
I got the PostSecret app and recently decided to start commenting. But whenever I express my dislike for something I get back such mean comments. I didn't say anything mean or harsh or even use caps or exclamation points. I don't know why they automatically think I was fuming or something. My horoscope is right, I'm so misunderstood. I should just stay quiet like I've always have.


Well-known member
I really hope this exam goes by fast, because I'm tired, it's windy out, and I just want to take a nap (again). Hell, it seems like all I want to do is sleep.


Well-known member
I got the PostSecret app and recently decided to start commenting. But whenever I express my dislike for something I get back such mean comments. I didn't say anything mean or harsh or even use caps or exclamation points. I don't know why they automatically think I was fuming or something. My horoscope is right, I'm so misunderstood. I should just stay quiet like I've always have.

Well, what kind of words did you use? Sometimes, it's the form our words take that offends people, not the content. Besides, I don't think that you should silence yourself just because a few people hate and trash what you say. You're free to express your opinion about things just like anyone else on this planet and anyone who tries to infringe upon that right isn't worth your time or brain space.


Well-known member
Well, what kind of words did you use? Sometimes, it's the form our words take that offends people, not the content. Besides, I don't think that you should silence yourself just because a few people hate and trash what you say. You're free to express your opinion about things just like anyone else on this planet and anyone who tries to infringe upon that right isn't worth your time or brain space.

I think thats my problem. I don't see it as something that people would get offended by till someone does get offended. I might be just contentious. Maybe the fact that I'm not very good with words or have social skills causes my anxiety. I can't help but want to go hide as soon as I get teased or feel embarrassed. People were complaining that some users are reposting things from the internet which really is not what the app is for. But there are people who tell them to stop complaining and I just told them that we have a right to complain. And said that they stole content from somewhere and post it as if its their own to get hearts. I added they should at least say where they got it from or else I say its stolen. Nobody took me seriously and told me to calm down or I'm being ridiculous.


Well-known member
I think thats my problem. I don't see it as something that people would get offended by till someone does get offended. I might be just contentious. Maybe the fact that I'm not very good with words or have social skills causes my anxiety. I can't help but want to go hide as soon as I get teased or feel embarrassed. People were complaining that some users are reposting things from the internet which really is not what the app is for. But there are people who tell them to stop complaining and I just told them that we have a right to complain. And said that they stole content from somewhere and post it as if its their own to get hearts. I added they should at least say where they got it from or else I say its stolen. Nobody took me seriously and told me to calm down or I'm being ridiculous.

Well, maybe try to learn how to arrange your thoughts so that they don't offend most people. Sometimes, you will offend people regardless, but I guess it's something that we have to accept and learn to move on from. You should be able to learn how to do just that, the more you speak what's on your mind. Well, I guess you can try to see things the way they do. People repost stuff on websites all the time, so, to them, I guess it's kinda like jaywalking: yeah, it's a crime, but people do it all the time and the police don't really care about it most of the time. I can also see your point; I mean, it's kinda like copyright infringement when people repost. It's not really fair to take someone else's words and make people believe it's your own. I guess, try to admit where your opposing team is right, but also admit where you think they are wrong, okay?


Well-known member
I found your stash of pr0n, little brother!

...and he won't be embarrassed at all, so there's no use in teasing him about it.
-__- no fun.


Well-known member
  1. Interesting job opportunity
  2. Hmmm...?
  3. What if I'm not good enough?
  4. What if I can't cope?
  5. What if its worse than where I am?
  6. Don't bother doing application
  7. Continue feeling stuck in life
I believe in you, you can do it if you try your best.

PS: I just noticed that way to create lists in here :p


Well-known member
I found your stash of pr0n, little brother!

...and he won't be embarrassed at all, so there's no use in teasing him about it.
-__- no fun.
I would actually be very pleased to find a porn stash in my brother's room. He's so uptight that such a discovery would actually create a black hole and destroy the world.

I think you should still tease him. Keep yourself amused.

  1. Interesting job opportunity
  2. Hmmm...?
  3. What if I'm not good enough?
  4. What if I can't cope?
  5. What if its worse than where I am?
  6. Don't bother doing application
  7. Continue feeling stuck in life
Go for it, phocas! You never, ever know unless you apply.


Well-known member
  1. Interesting job opportunity
  2. Hmmm...?
  3. What if I'm not good enough?
  4. What if I can't cope?
  5. What if its worse than where I am?
  6. Don't bother doing application
  7. Continue feeling stuck in life

don't be like me
apply and see what happens
you can always decide later
Got to the part where you have to go and retrieve the Elder Scroll in Skyrim. It was actually the very first part of the game I found utterly lame. Reminded me too much of the dungeons in Oblivion. :/ I pretty much just ran through it using the Become Eternal shout. Glad that's over with.


Well-known member
I'd like to find my brother's porn stash. I'd tease him forever. :D

Wait, I don't have a brother. Now my sister......that would be terrifying. :eek:

A. Is it really that interesting to tease a sibling about their pr0n? Or is that just how you roll?

B. How bad could it be? It's not like she's got...... well, videos that would make a devil cry:rolleyes:, right? RIGHT?