Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
Well, maybe try to learn how to arrange your thoughts so that they don't offend most people. Sometimes, you will offend people regardless, but I guess it's something that we have to accept and learn to move on from. You should be able to learn how to do just that, the more you speak what's on your mind. Well, I guess you can try to see things the way they do. People repost stuff on websites all the time, so, to them, I guess it's kinda like jaywalking: yeah, it's a crime, but people do it all the time and the police don't really care about it most of the time. I can also see your point; I mean, it's kinda like copyright infringement when people repost. It's not really fair to take someone else's words and make people believe it's your own. I guess, try to admit where your opposing team is right, but also admit where you think they are wrong, okay?

They offended me though. If they told me to calm down when I am or say "you need to get laid" it stings when I was serious about it. And that doesn't sound like they're offended by what I said. I was expecting an argument defending reposting but that's what I got. I wanted a discussion yet the person I replied to guy says she really doesn't care and ended with "bye sucka" with an emoticon that I don't remember. Sure I know everyone does it but they don't know it's bad to not at least source or give credit to the original poster. When you use the share feature In social sites they don't mirror the content to their server they link you to the page. Or if you reblog on tumblr they don't remove the name you reblogged from. I don't think people realize this little detail. I see it as like look out for cars when you jay walk. I've seen too many people saying they think everything on the Internet is like free domain where you can do whatever you want with it. It's not like downloading something for free cause they know it's illegal. But with pictures and words it seems people assume it's ok to not say who made it. People don't share songs without saying the title and musician. I actually did offend people when I said I bought it was weird how people in the music business are called artists and not some other term. Got alot of comments ridiculing me on how I don't see it as art. I didn't say it's not a form of art just needs a more specific term for them like everything else. Ive been trying to get better for years but it just goes out he window. So if this is who I am changing me will just seem like a fake me. Yet it's hard to be me when I'm so self conscious too. So it's easier for me to stay quiet because I obviously like rambling on and debate. Sorry for such a long post.


Well-known member
They offended me though. If they told me to calm down when I am or say "you need to get laid" it stings when I was serious about it. And that doesn't sound like they're offended by what I said. I was expecting an argument defending reposting but that's what I got. I wanted a discussion yet the person I replied to guy says she really doesn't care and ended with "bye sucka" with an emoticon that I don't remember. Sure I know everyone does it but they don't know it's bad to not at least source or give credit to the original poster. When you use the share feature In social sites they don't mirror the content to their server they link you to the page. Or if you reblog on tumblr they don't remove the name you reblogged from. I don't think people realize this little detail. I see it as like look out for cars when you jay walk. I've seen too many people saying they think everything on the Internet is like free domain where you can do whatever you want with it. It's not like downloading something for free cause they know it's illegal. But with pictures and words it seems people assume it's ok to not say who made it. People don't share songs without saying the title and musician. I actually did offend people when I said I bought it was weird how people in the music business are called artists and not some other term. Got alot of comments ridiculing me on how I don't see it as art. I didn't say it's not a form of art just needs a more specific term for them like everything else. Ive been trying to get better for years but it just goes out he window. So if this is who I am changing me will just seem like a fake me. Yet it's hard to be me when I'm so self conscious too. So it's easier for me to stay quiet because I obviously like rambling on and debate. Sorry for such a long post.

You're here to get your feelings off of your chest and that's what this thread is for, so don't worry about how long it is.

Well, the Internet has become some sort of breeding ground for trolls and a**holes, so try to brace yourself for when you encounter them. Try to learn comebacks or just ignore whatever they said. In arguments, people will say things that will offend you, that's a given. What you need is to learn how to be tranquil, even in a storm, to not let people get under your skin. A good debator knows how to stay stoic and calm and get what he/she wants to say out, even if no one wants to listen, in a way that makes people want to (at least I think so). If you want to discuss matters like that, you've either got to keep on trying or you can quit and leave it alone. But, I can see where you like to debate. You bring up some good points and you have a way with words:). All you need is a bit of steel in your soul. If you're worried about posting, then just bring it over to my page and we can talk about it.


Well-known member
I'm sooo glad that I'm officially done with this semester. I look forward to lounging around for the next few days and then taking a 2-week vacation down in Texas.

On the other hand, my grades this semester have been the worst in my entire college career. I barely was able to get in the B range with a lot of my classes. It's all been so rough due to depression and anxiety, among other things. Ultimately it's my fault for letting things get to me, but I'm not going to beat myself up over it, because my grades could've been a lot worse. Plus, I couldn't help how I felt, really.


Well-known member
I am so disappointed in my self. I thought my ptsd had decreased. My family went on vacation for 4 days. In those 4 days I couldn't stand vacuuming, going to the mailbox, washing, I could not flush the commodes, my fan had to be off, the tv's had to be low. It is amazing how something can just go away and come back whenever it want to. I associate everything with death or pain. Frying pan= me falling into it and sizzling my face off so I have cringe/flinch every time I get near it. Yoshi Knife= me trying to cut my self with the most sharpest knife and I would never cut and never have but because it's the sharpest I have the stupid urge. I can't even figure myself out. I have went though 4 therapist in two years and I felt like a lab monkey because they were always trying out new disorders on me and they have diagnosed me with almost everything. "I was just talking to so and so" and I think you're a great candidate for what we discussed" I thank the sky that I am not on 8-9 medications like many people like me, that is ridiculous. If it is not mental then it is physical. Then it's anaz holes clucking my life up.


Well-known member
I am so disappointed in my self. I thought my ptsd had decreased. My family went on vacation for 4 days. In those 4 days I couldn't stand vacuuming, going to the mailbox, washing, I could not flush the commodes, my fan had to be off, the tv's had to be low. It is amazing how something can just go away and come back whenever it want to. I associate everything with death or pain. Frying pan= me falling into it and sizzling my face off so I have cringe/flinch every time I get near it. Yoshi Knife= me trying to cut my self with the most sharpest knife and I would never cut and never have but because it's the sharpest I have the stupid urge. I can't even figure myself out. I have went though 4 therapist in two years and I felt like a lab monkey because they were always trying out new disorders on me and they have diagnosed me with almost everything. "I was just talking to so and so" and I think you're a great candidate for what we discussed" I thank the sky that I am not on 8-9 medications like many people like me, that is ridiculous. If it is not mental then it is physical. Then it's anaz holes clucking my life up.
Beleza, I don't think PTSD ever goes away. However, that is not a free signal to quit trying to get better. PTSD can be moderated; you can gain some sort of resistance against those urges/mental pictures of yours. As for the cure, well, the medical field is just a system of trial-and-error. They try one idea and if it doesn't work then they try the next. Sometimes, they get it right in the first few tries, but sometimes it takes a while. Don't get disheartened by that fact though. Each time you talk to the therapist(s), they're narrowing it down and, soon, you should get the solution you want. Just try to stick it out, okay? It's going to be tough, but I believe you can do it. I can't imagine what you're going through right now.

Of course, this is just my two-cents. I'm not sure if anything is correct in that little shpiel of mine.


Well-known member
Figured it would be more fun to weird little brother out- rather than tease him about the pr0n...
So, when he came home and was putting his bags in his room, I told him that I found his collection and categorized/alphabetized it all; putting it in the closet rather than under the bed where it was acting as a dust barrier.

his face was like...

And I did organize it and put it all in a box.
Because I like to organize things.
I think his reaction was priceless.


Well-known member
Figured it would be more fun to weird little brother out- rather than tease him about the pr0n...
So, when he came home and was putting his bags in his room, I told him that I found his collection and categorized/alphabetized it all; putting it in the closet rather than under the bed where it was acting as a dust barrier.

his face was like...

And I did organize it and put it all in a box.
Because I like to organize things.
I think his reaction was priceless.

Nice, lol. I hope you washed your hands after.
Figured it would be more fun to weird little brother out- rather than tease him about the pr0n...
So, when he came home and was putting his bags in his room, I told him that I found his collection and categorized/alphabetized it all; putting it in the closet rather than under the bed where it was acting as a dust barrier.

his face was like...

And I did organize it and put it all in a box.
Because I like to organize things.
I think his reaction was priceless.

When I found my brother's collection I took a screenshot of the folder, then opened that screenshot in Paint and selected just the the folder area and copied it. Then I opened up his background image and edited the screenshot of the folder seamlessly into his background. Applied the new background, and voila; Humor ensued.

After which I continued to ask if I could use his computer for a sec because mine wasn't working. A blatant lie, of course.

Took him about 3 days to realize it wasn't actually a real folder. :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Well work is getting interesting,either a big cat fight is bound to happen or an orgy,I hope its both :D.


Well-known member
Well I was kidding about the orgy,but I wouldnt be surprised I have seen similar and worse things,but there are a lot of girls this guy has(married guy) together in the same place and more comming,some dont know about the others,I imagine a fight is going to break out.


Well-known member
Well I was kidding about the orgy,but I wouldnt be surprised I have seen similar and worse things,but there are a lot of girls this guy has(married guy) together in the same place and more comming,some dont know about the others,I imagine a fight is going to break out.

How bad is it going to be? Are we talking like one-on-one or is it going to be an all-out battle royale? And what is this guy doing with all of these women in the same area? Were the ladies aware of each other?


Well-known member
How bad is it going to be? Are we talking like one-on-one or is it going to be an all-out battle royale? And what is this guy doing with all of these women in the same area? Were the ladies aware of each other?

all-out battle royale,some are aware, some are not,well he just goes tagging all girls at work


Well-known member
all-out battle royale,some are aware, some are not,well he just goes tagging all girls at work

Oh dear god. Now, shouldn't the girls be fighting the man instead of each other? Please tell me someone is going to stop this. Not only am I against all forms of violence (unless it's necessary), but the level of idiocy surrounding this event is baffling. If not, then, please tell me the guy is going to get some form of retribution.


Well-known member
I wonder why intense emotional suffering is always accompanied by a physical pain. I wonder if we'd be able to feel it if it weren't for that pain..