How are you feeling?


Well-known member
missing my ♥
feel like I am wasting away in font of the computer...
disappointed in myself and generally blah b/c of aunt flow visiting.
A little worried. I made a mistake with the cash register today at work. I fixed the problem itself, but haven't quite put much effort into explaining exactly what happened in the note I left because they were already locking up.

I guess they'll ask about it if they're confused as to what happened, but I don't like leaving loose ends like that. I'd rather they know what happened exactly.


Well-known member
A little worried. I made a mistake with the cash register today at work. I fixed the problem itself, but haven't quite put much effort into explaining exactly what happened in the note I left because they were already locking up.

I guess they'll ask about it if they're confused as to what happened, but I don't like leaving loose ends like that. I'd rather they know what happened exactly.

I'm sure it will be alright, you fixed the problem AND left a note! That sounds well managed to me. Worst case, they will ask you to elaborate in notes next time or something right? I don't think they will be angry about it. I know what you mean about not knowing though.

Where did Puma's journal go? :eek: Puma's journal and I were friends and now it's not talking to me anymore ::(:
I just woke from a 9 hour nap. A dental group was giving free dental care today. My sis and I don't have dental insurance, so we went to get in line at 4:30AM this morning. Several people spent the night outside so they could be first in line. I got my teeth cleaned for free. My sister is getting all of her wisdom teeth pulled for free. I'd say it was well worth it.


Well-known member
Depressed that I can't bring myself to ever phone anybody up. I hate phones.

I wish more job adverts would include e-mail.

I really really know what u mean. I have the same problem. If there is something I want to do, like applying for something or participating in something... I just don´t do it if it includes making a phone call or going there in person.


Well-known member
A couple of years ago, I stopped talking to somebody I was attracted to because I couldn't handle it. Just disappeared one day. Today I called them to explain why it happened and to apologize for my behavior, and they wouldn't even accept my apology. Said I didn't have to explain anything and if I ever wanted to talk, they would be there to listen. But I'm upset and could burst into tears at any moment. It's not relief or happiness, what's my problem?!?


Well-known member
On reflection, I wonder if it's because it meant so much to me and so little to them. The attraction was mutual, but of course they'll have moved on in that time. I haven't, despite part of the reason I started dealing with my problems is because of my frustrations regarding how I felt about them. And while they're the caring and understanding person that ever SA-er wishes for, they didn't really have any concept of what I was talking about. I've spent so much time leading up to finally telling them, and it all came down to "don't worry about it".

What a selfish, selfish way to deal with such a kind response from them.
Nervous. It's Saturday, which means people will be shopping, and I'm going to ASDA. Which will be busy. And I'm terrified. People will be there. Young people. And old people I used to know, who will no doubt say hi, and make a comment on my height, and/or hair. Damn common courtesy. I wish i could go into a shop all on my own. :mad:


Well-known member
I deserve death
for being so stupid for so many years, immature and believing that I know everything, giving more weight to the outside and the stupid social life

I'm a **** in this world
I see people get so much
I would like to be like them


Well-known member
sometimes power outtages and hyperacusis and crazy parents are good...

propelled me outta the house and now I'm feeling fab! ha! :)

also inspired by someone who knows it!!!! >> so if in doubt, just go out!!

(why does it have to be to ASDA and what are they giving away for free there?? If it's 'exposure therapy' - then maybe going somewhere less crowded first may be easier, and give you the 'push' to go there too?)

protein (or cocoa) can help too... (and magical companion - I hate to admit what mine is, lol!! )


This might be its cousin, but mine has 75% and no I haven't eaten it yet!! It just goes around with me and makes me feel braver!! lol!!