Random questions


Well-known member
When I was little I wanted to be...
Playing with toys.

I never eat...

My favourite ever movie is...

There are many good movies. I don't like to put one in particular down as a favourite. Having said that I would have to say "eight below" is up there.

When I'm very sad I...

Not sure

When I look at the sky at night I see...

The most common colours in the clothes I wear are...

Anything and everything (not pink though)

I can cook...
Easy meals

The weirdest thing I have ever seen is...

Myself in the mirrorr, while naked, lol. j/k

I'm really good at...

I'd like to know that myself

I have really nice...


When I'm really happy I...

Jump in the air

I was very proud of myself when...

Decided to stop spending money on modifying cars
When I was little I wanted to be...Singer, Actress, Skateboarder

I never eat... Sprouts

My favourite ever movie is... Nothing Hill

When I'm very sad I...Forget to see the bright sides

When I look at the sky at night I see... Moonlight, stars shining above us

The most common colours in the clothes I wear are... Black, Purple, Blue, Red

I can cook... Some nice recipes, I love cooking

The weirdest thing I have ever seen is...Sloth in the Goonies::p:

I'm really good at...Being myself lol

I have really nice...Green eyes:)

When I'm really happy I... Feel all the inspiration of positivity :)

I was very proud of myself when... I took all these steps, while having SA.
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Well-known member
When I was little I wanted to be... Nothing at all, so I guess I achieved there.

I never eat... Chicken

My favourite ever movie is... Flying High ~ It makes me laugh!

When I'm very sad I... Lost a very good friend years ago through my own stupidity.

When I look at the sky at night I see... Its more a feeling of longing, than seeing.

The most common colours in the clothes I wear are... Red & Blue

I can cook... To a degree.

The weirdest thing I have ever seen is... A UFO

I'm really good at... Poetry and pretty reasonable at photography.

I have really nice... Eyes; so I've been told.

When I'm really happy I... Sing more.....

I was very proud of myself when... I got my own flat and didn't look back.
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Well-known member
When I was little I wanted to be...
An Animator. Well I'm still doing an Arty related thing, so I guess I stayed along the same track.

I never eat...

My favourite ever movie is...
Difficult decision there since I have a lot of favourites. At the moment I'm into Whisper of the Hearts.

When I'm very sad I...
Try to cheer myself up with some funny YouTube clips and tell myself "I don't do sadness".

When I look at the sky at night I see...
A dark sky, heavy clouds floating across, covering the view of the stars...

The most common colours in the clothes I wear are...
Normally natural white or beige... Sometimes bright colours like red and pink and blue.

I can cook...
Anything out of a recipe book.

The weirdest thing I have ever seen is...
I can't recall any at the moment.

I'm really good at...
Listening to other people's problems.

I have really nice...
Body. Or smile as many people tell me..

When I'm really happy I...
Cry with joy... *blush* but that rarely happens.

I was very proud of myself when...
I was accepted to University.


Well-known member
When I was little I wanted to be...
A teacher. Man I was crazy. :rolleyes:

I never eat...
Olives. Or rice. Or brussel sprouts. :p

My favourite ever movie is...

When I'm very sad I...
Constantly think about the negatives.

When I look at the sky at night I see...
Stars. Lots of 'em.

The most common colours in the clothes I wear are...
Blue, black, dark gray, green, and white

I can cook...
Lots of things. I love to cook :)

The weirdest thing I have ever seen is...
A guy dressed up in a chicken suit holding a sign outside of some store. o_O

I'm really good at...
Multitasking, lol. And crossword puzzles.

I have really nice...
Teeth I guess? So I've heard some people say. Either that or eyes... Honestly I have no idea.

When I'm really happy I...
Love every moment of it because it's very rare that I'm ever REALLY happy.

I was very proud of myself when...
I got a 100 on my cooking assignment yesterday in my culinary class. :)


Well-known member
When I was little I wanted to be... a radio DJ!

I never eat... cheese

My favourite ever movie is...not sure I have one fav

When I'm very sad I...cry

When I look at the sky at night I see...stars and think of lost love ones

The most common colours in the clothes I wear are...black/blue/white/red

I can cook...anything, I'm an excellent cook

The weirdest thing I have ever seen is...a sun fish

I'm really good at...caring

I have really nice...eyes

When I'm really happy I... sing

I was very proud of myself when...I flew across the world on my own


Well-known member
When I was little I wanted to be a writer and a poet.

I never eat onion. NEVER.

My favourite ever movie is Amélie.

When I'm very sad I drink Pepsi.

When I look at the sky at night I see beautiful darkness frosted with stars.

The most common colours in the clothes I wear are dark blue and gray.

I can cook a very good tuna sauce with pasta.

The weirdest thing I have ever seen is a man dressed in black running past me, yelling Batman.

I'm really good at writing school papers, reports ...

I have really nice eyebrows.

When I'm really happy I don't see my problems.

I was very proud of myself when my schoolmates and my history teacher in primary school said I can express myself very well.
When I was little I wanted to be...

I never eat...
egg plant, sushi, cheese, lots of stuff

My favourite ever movie is...
Event Horizon, open to change, so far N/A

When I'm very sad I...

When I look at the sky at night I see...
Moon 1st, stars 2nd, OR dark clouds

The most common colours in the clothes I wear are...
beige or something dark

I can cook...
Simple things, I mean food

The weirdest thing I have ever seen is...
I forget, or nothing worth remembering as "weirdest"

I'm really good at...
Tech stuff

I have really nice...

When I'm really happy I...
Converse better, can do more

I was very proud of myself when...
Hmm, careful here, self pride corrupts ego
When I was little I wanted to be... race car driver.

I never eat... Antelope. They're too fast, I can't keep up. T-T

My favourite ever movies is... Eh, I can't choose! I have dozens of movies I really like. D:

When I'm very sad I... am, sad(?)

When I look at the sky at night I see... Everlasting beauty. Oh, and stars too. :3

The most common colours in the clothes I wear are... Dark blue, black or red.

I can cook... anything as long as I have the recipe.

The weirdest thing I have ever seen is... Haha, you don't even want to know. Trust me.

I'm really good at... keeping my mind on one task. Concentration is my strong point. Oh hey, a butterfly.... :O

I have really nice... eyes. Or so I have been told. I can't really see my eyes. 'Cuz, you know, I look through them. :B

When I'm really happy I... am sure that there's pizza involved.

I was very proud of myself when... when I realized that there's more to life then just what we're told it is. If I didn't find that out, I might've been a whole different person.


Well-known member
When I was little I wanted to be a bird so I can fly and be free

I never eat mushrooms

My favourite ever movie is... hmm... too many to pick from :/

When I'm very sad I lay on my bed and tune out the world with music

When I look at the sky at night I see a beautiful scene most people take for granted

The most common colours in the clothes I wear are black, grey, and purple

I can cook easy meals

The weirdest thing I have ever seen is a guy making out with a dog... No lie :eek:

I'm really good at writing, I guess

I have really nice... umm, eyes? Or so I'm told

When I'm really happy I smile

I was very proud of myself when I ignored my anxiety and went up to this guy I liked for over a year and told him I liked him. I got shot down but it was worth it :)
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petrified eyes

Well-known member
When I was little I wanted to be... A soldier.

I never eat... Someone's liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.

My favourite ever movie is... Where Eagles Dare.

When I'm very sad I... Sleep.

When I look at the sky at night I see... The past.

The most common colours in the clothes I wear are... Black, green, gray and brown.

I can cook... When I feel like it.

The weirdest thing I have ever seen is... I don't know, there are a lot of weird people and things around here. It's hard to decide what's the weirdest.

I'm really good at... Problem solving.

I have really nice... Headphones.

When I'm really happy I... Cherish the moment.

I was very proud of myself when... I kicked the crap out of would-be muggers.


Well-known member
Some random questions to complete if you want to

When I was little I wanted to be...an alien from planet X

I never eat...carpet

My favourite ever movie is...Shawshank Redemption

When I'm very sad I...Cry

When I look at the sky at night I see...Galaxies

The most common colours in the clothes I wear are... tech shirts

I can cook...Chicken thighs

The weirdest thing I have ever seen is...

I'm really good at...Botany

I have really nice...pair of coconuts

When I'm really happy I...smile

I was very proud of myself when...finished the Bridge Run


Well-known member
When I was little I wanted to be... a ninja

I never eat... cabbage

My favourite ever movie is... the hangover

When I'm very sad I... i listen to music

When I look at the sky at night I see...

The most common colours in the clothes I wear are... black

I can cook... pasta and shrimp scampi

The weirdest thing I have ever seen is... a polar bear ride a tricylce

I'm really good at... martial arts

I have really nice... smile

When I'm really happy I... tell jokes and make other people happy :D

I was very proud of myself when... i asked a girl two years ago on a date


Well-known member
When I was little I wanted to be...
professional soccer player with A.A.Gent

I never eat...
liver, cauliflower??? (bloemkool in dutch)

My favourite ever movie is...
quite some, but Midnight Express and The Pianist ar on top;

When I'm very sad I...
tro to sleep, cry.

When I look at the sky at night I see...
Concrete, no stars in the city skies

The most common colours in the clothes I wear are...
No idea

I can cook...
a little. Eggs, fries, spaghetti.

The weirdest thing I have ever seen is...
Born democrats gettings scared as hell for the public to know something about THEM instead of the other way around.

I'm really good at...
doing nothing, negative thinking, computers somewhat, technical things.

I have really nice...
football shoes.

When I'm really happy I...
actually talk.:eek:

I was very proud of myself when...
i scored against RSC Anderlecht at age 11,
i quit smoking for 3 full weeks.


Well-known member
When I was little I wanted to be an astronaut. I used to look up to the sky in wonder at the mysteries that lay beyond. I then became fascinated with manned space flight such as Mercury,Gemini and especially the Apollo projects. I then proceeded to play an online space flight simulator in which I partook in my favourite missions :p nerdy I know...

I never eatnuts. They taste horrible and I am scared I may have an allergic reaction! My mum always put me off them when I was a kid which I think is also partly the reason. She said I'd choke on them!

My favourite ever movie is as good as it gets. Jack Nicholson is a fantastic actor and he portrays the OCD writer brilliantly. The story is beautiful and it is so sad/happy at the end!

When I'm very sad I procrastinate to the max! I mope around all day not doing very much at all. My sleeping pattern dissolves and I stop eating and drinking properly. However recently I have started to combat this feeling by trying to force energy upon myself in the form exercise, forcing myself out of bed etc

When I look at the sky at night I see pollution clouding my eyes man! The skies over my town aren't very clear at night which is an absolute shame as I would adore to gaze upon the vast openness of space

The most common colours in the clothes I wear are black,grey (not I don't dress that depressing actually. But perhaps it is because I don't want to stand out too much sometimes

I can cook a full english breakfast! Excellent.. and of course simple things like beans on toast and pizza in the oven. But I really desire to cook - a wonderful skill. To be able to craft a delicious meal for people, the art of it, the feelings of being proud of your meal.... I analyse things too much haha

The weirdest thing I have ever seen is is a game called warioware for wii. It's crazy! Probably Japanese....... not that they're crazy but they do like a lot of flashing lights and mad colours and stuff :p Probably not a good idea but I can't remember seeing anything particularly weird!

I'm really good at listening! ;)

I have really nice broad shoulders.... I'm not bothered if I'm vain! I love em.

When I'm really happy I sing.... a lot! Which bugs people :p I also act very excitable and conversational. But these periods are very brief until someone attempts to bring me down.

I was very proud of myself when I got an A in a Physics module. I put so much work in and got so much out I was so pleased. I'm sure there are better things to be proud of!

if you read that... kudos
Also I think I got the type scheme the wrong way round which is annoying but it is late and I can't be bothered changing it back ;(

petrified eyes

Well-known member
Amazing. Did they run? Or were they on the ground squirming and begging? I don't remember you saying that so ... *standing ovation*

It was a few years ago. There were 4 of them, I had 2 on the ground very quickly, 1 was a big fella so he took a while. The other ran off while I was fighting, the rest limped away with black eyes and bloody noses.

They must have been around 15 or 16 years old so I didn't want to rough them up too badly. I guess they thought I would be a pushover because of my "vulnerable appearance" and their numbers.


Well-known member
When I was little I wanted to be... a ninja!

I never eat... rhubarb

My favourite ever movie is... LOTR: ROTK

When I'm very sad I... walk.

When I look at the sky at night I see... possibilities.

The most common colours in the clothes I wear are... black and blue.

I can cook... anything.

The weirdest thing I have ever seen is... a UFO.

I'm really good at... pwning at Halo

I have really nice... stuff?

When I'm really happy I... don't know.

I was very proud of myself when... I got my diploma.