Different Attractions


I love long hair on men, curly hair on men, and dreadlocks. I'm an absolute sucker when it comes to long, curly hair on men. When I see a guy with long, curly hair, I just wanna ask it to marry me! (The hair that is, not the guy.)

I also like it when guys can pull off the balding look really well.


For some reason I'm attracted to girls who are slightly older than me, one or a few years..

I find it hard to find girls younger than me attractive, even if it is only one year.

Lost Girl

Well-known member
I'm more attracted to older men. Dark and long hair is super sexy to me with guys or girls.
And chest hair please. I hate when guys shave it off D: .
Facial hair, getting dirty...I see that you and I have some common interests. ;)

Aw, you guys are great with explaining this stuff!

Hm, let me see. I suppose I go for off beat guys. Nerds, lol. I'm a sucker for a guy in glasses sometimes, anyone who can watch a Justice League cartoon with me. I don't care for muscular guys, I certainly LOVE scruffy faced men and I usually go for older.

I am starting to think I should keep my facial hair now, and not sometime shave it off.

And to stay my nerdy self, with glasses and all :p
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lol, I have no trouble in the keeping it part, more trouble in the getting rid of it, I blame my Italian blood.


Well-known member
I like scars, whether it's on her face or body. Not like a dog ate her face kinda scar, just a nice clean scar, not too big. Does that make me sound like a creep or a wife beater? LOL


I'm attracted to a variety, but in general i like: dark hair, blue eyes, short & petite + a hairstyle like (see below)


It also helps to have a quirky, off-the-wall personality too. Me like that. Me want cookie.



I like scars, whether it's on her face or body. Not like a dog ate her face kinda scar, just a nice clean scar, not too big. Does that make me sound like a creep or a wife beater? LOL

It's funny you should say that. There's this guy I quite admire (in a platonic way) and he has a few scars on his face that he got when he was about 6. He doesn't like them but I think they're kind of cool. They just add character IMO.


Well-known member
It's funny you should say that. There's this guy I quite admire (in a platonic way) and he has a few scars on his face that he got when he was about 6. He doesn't like them but I think they're kind of cool. They just add character IMO.

I agree. There is a guy who's one of my best friends but he's incredibly gorgeous to me. He's got a small scar above his lip from a skateboarding accident and I love it. He doesn't and says it throws off the symmetry of his face :rolleyes: I think it gives him character and he looks distinguished.


I may have my preferences, but nothing is written in stone. There are so many different kinds of beauty out there that it would be a shame if one were to not appreciate it all.

So true! all it takes is one person to one person to change how you feel.

I find it too hard to pinpoint what exactly I find attractive in people, because what I find attractive in one person I might not in another, it really all depends on the actual person.


Well-known member
I think I'm about ready to give dead women a try. There's just something about me that always sends the living ones running away. And frankly, it's really getting old.

I'm not sure yet if "still warm" or "dry and dusty" is more my thing, but there's only one way to find out. I think the shovel's in the front of the basement....



I don't know about you guys... But, I cannot stand those damn cheerful asian girls. O_e If you guys know what I mean, which I doubt...

Lost Girl

Well-known member
I think I'm about ready to give dead women a try. There's just something about me that always sends the living ones running away. And frankly, it's really getting old.

I'm not sure yet if "still warm" or "dry and dusty" is more my thing, but there's only one way to find out. I think the shovel's in the front of the basement....


:eek: You're a morbid one!