What book are you currently reading?


Well-known member
Arnold Schwarzenegger's Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding :) knowledge is power... it's important while going through these tough times with anxiety problems to try and focus onto something positive. i've done this by trying expand my knowledge and use it to get where i'd like to be in terms of physical appearance and fitness.

a small and useful tip for anybody experiencing problems. put your energy into something positive that you really want, whether it be a sport, a fitness goal, reading some books, whatever it is, you can do it!


Well-known member
i'm reading angels & demons by Dan Brown

Oh, are you a first time reader of Dan Browne? I have read,Davinci code and Angels and Demons i finished reading both books apart of eachother in less then a month.The suspense of each characters adventure intrigued me to read chapter after champter till the final end.


Well-known member
Unfortunately nothing! I normally just read the newspaper. Maybe I should get around to finishing One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
Just got it from the library today: The Lovely Bones - Alice Sebold.
I think they're shooting a movie for it now


Well-known member
I've been thinking of resurrecting this thread, so I'm glad it's current once again.

I'm currently reading A Writer at War: A Soviet Journalist with the Red Army, 1941-1945 by Vasily Grossman. I enjoyed the last book I read about the Battle of Kursk, but it was such a dry read that it was like doing homework! :eek:


Reading:Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. Love it so far, anyone else read her? Thinking about reading the Fountainhead next.


Well-known member
I've been wanting to read some of de Sade's work but I don't know if that's entirely a great idea. I already feel as though I'm twisted for having any interest in the man and his life. Apparently, he was one sick f**k and wrote some really disturbing books. I know what 'The 120 Days of Sodom', 'Juliette', 'Philosophy in the Bedroom' and 'Justine' are about so I don't know if I should read them. Has anyone read any de Sade's books? If so, what did you think about them? I've read that he wasn't much of a taleted writer and that his work just had a shock value to it.


Well-known member
I'm reading Anthony Perkins: Split Image by Charles Winecoff- only halfway through (it's over 400 pages)


Well-known member
I'm just re-reading the last few chapters of Knife of Dreams, to refresh my memory of the story line before I read The Gathering Storm. :) (The Wheel of Time series)