Your Birthday


How do you deal with your birthday?

Last time I've ever, "done anything" for it was when I was in 7th grade. I turned 22 a few days ago. Every year it gets more depressing. It's also really embarrassing if co-workers or extended family ask what you did for it.

Past 2 birthdays, me and my mother were not on speaking terms at that time. So both were depressing. Spent it alone in my room. All I did, was take over a 5 hour nap during the afternoon. My mom said happy birthday to me, but it was in a rude way it seemed. She had gotten me a few gifts and a cake, but I was too depressed to play along and pretend I was fine. We hadn't talked in days so why would we just for this one day? I didn't open the gifts till the next day all alone. I don't even want the gifts.

Are your birthdays depressing?
Not for me personally. I've chosen to not do anything, and tell everyone exactly that. There's no shame in celebrating it in a way you like- or feel comfortable in. Parties and ''happy'' events/gatherings are merely traditional, not ultimate law on how to pay homage to a special day.

In fact, mine is today, and there's no one around. No cake either, just cold peas and slightly old coffee. It's quite lovely. :3


Not for me personally. I've chosen to not do anything, and tell everyone exactly that. There's no shame in celebrating it in a way you like- or feel comfortable in. Parties and ''happy'' events/gatherings are merely traditional, not ultimate law on how to pay homage to a special day.

In fact, mine is today, and there's no one around. No cake either, just cold peas and slightly old coffee. It's quite lovely. :3

I guess I'm envious of other people "celebrating" theirs and having fun. Mine have never been like that, even as a child. Which is ridiculous- how can a child not have any friends? Children are best friends if they like the same soda!

Edit - was not in a good mood. A birthday is just any other day to me, exactly. Anyways, cake is still delicious.

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I guess I'm envious of other people "celebrating" theirs and having fun. Mine have never been like that, even as a child. Which is ridiculous- how can a child not have any friends? Children are best friends if they like the same soda!

It's understandable. But there's very little use in comparing one situation to the next, because all situations different. If you're not enjoying yourself, then it's pretty much a red-alert signal saying that something needs to change.

So why not focus on making your next upcoming birthday more enjoyable? Plan ahead, save up and do/get something you enjoy rather then do the thing that makes you depressed.
Well just like Psychedelicious, I wouldn't have anyone to do anything with.

So? There's a few million solo activities you can do. For your birthday's sake, you can pick any one of those activities. :3

But if you really need company on your birthday, then that's something you can work at too. Like I said, you have about a year till you next one. Plan ahead and get the means you need to make your next a relative success.

I get that how you feel now must suck terribly, but you're not helping yourself by looking back at previous birthdays and mentally emphasizing just how bad they made you feel. Be creative and create a new experience, rather then re-creating the same one over and over again. ;3


Well-known member
Birthday is just one more day, but, with a delicious cake.

Birthday parties are overrated, my last birthday party was a failure, i invited 30 friends, just one appeared.
I love my Birthdays!
I don't care much about what is done on my Birthday, I just love the fact that I am another year older. :)
I find that age brings with it a better ability to apply more control over your life.
Birthday = another year older.....yes please!
It's not really anything special, I do celebrate it, but mostly just in the weekends, so not the day itself (only when my date is placed in the weekends::p:)

I feel depressed too, about my Bday each year, just a feeling, I feel the pressure of celebrating my own day and be in the center of attention, I don't find it amusing :p
I do like seeing my family again, since I don't see them very often, but euuh.. we can meet them every other date ? why not right? Not especially birthdays. xD


Well-known member
I've celebrated my birthday with friends once in my life, I think. Because I was living with a good and motivating friend at the time and we invited mutual friends.

My birthday is 9/11 (lol :S ) and my mom has her birthday a couple of days later, so we've always held some joint birthday thing for family when I was younger.


Well-known member
I haven't done anything on my birthday since I was maybe 16. After a while my family kinda got the idea lol, so they don't bother anymore either. I do get a few calls from people I barely see/talk to though....that's always fun :eek:

I remember last year on my birthday I had been awake for longer than I had ever been before, something like 38 hours, so I ended up sleeping most of my birthday away.


Well-known member
Turning 21 next! Being able to walk into a bar and order whatever is about the best gift i can think of.... by november i should be able to find two friends to celebrate with, hopefully!


Well-known member
It's funny seeing little quirks you thought were your own, even if this is a bit of an obvious one. I'm not fussed if I spend the day with others or not, the worst part is the pressure to do something according to tradition and the reaction, somewhere between pity and suspicion when it's spent largely uncelebrated, if even you're the one who wanted it in the first place. I would be considerably happier spending a birthday alone if the world weren't intent on making me feel miserable about it.


Well-known member
A birthday is just another day for me. Although I turned 24 this year and it was kinda depressing because I think that's the transition point between "early twenties" and "mid twenties" and I realized that I'm wasting what are supposed to be the best years of one's life doing nothing.


Well-known member
I like birthdays because I get along with my family and we always just keep birthday celebrations within direct family. I don't like if they try do anything special or invite more people, and I think most of my family feels the same way about their own birthdays (hm...) But I mainly enjoy it because there's free ice cream and cake!
When I eventually drift away from family, though, I guess I'll make my own cake and buy my own ice cream. It'll taste just as good!


Well-known member
Go to a dinner and a movie with my dad. My birthday is July 11th, also the aniversary of 7-11. Getting closer to age 27....


Well-known member
I also treat my birthday like it's just another day. I've never been big on having birthday parties, even as a kid. I can recall throwing a party only 3 times in my 18 years. The last time I did something was 2 years ago, when I turned 16. I just had a sleepover with a couple of friends and that was it.

This year for my birthday, which was actually last Saturday, I had college orientation. It actually wasn't too bad, but I was still really nervous the whole day. I basically just celebrated my birthday the next day with cake and whatnot. My parents just bought my gift yesterday, so... yeah. It was nice. :)