Would you want to live forever?


You want to know how I got these scars?
haha yea, trapped in a coal mine, or floating in space wouldn't be great fun. And I'm not religious 'Motherwolff' so the idea of being 'saved' personally doesn't appeal to me. But there are times when I think, if I could walk the earth for thousands of years, blending in with the population, mix - to a point - with the population, find other Vampires.. then I probably would take that opportunity.
I mean I would certainly welcome the chance to play 'judge jury and executioner' on those I deem to be doing wrong towards their fellow man :)


Well-known member
The only way I would want to live for ever is if I could have super human abilities like reading minds and being invisible. Being trapped in this body with it limited capabilities is really a sad existence. We get knocked out of the game so easily since we are so fragile. Flying would also be very important if I were to live forever. I dislike being trapped in any location for very long. I was just reading that before words and language humans were actually able to read minds so that ability is already inside of us naturally, it has just been suppressed with the advent of language. That is really hopeful news. Wonder what else we used to be able to do or can possibly do with the right knowledge of how to access it?


Well-known member
I was just reading that before words and language humans were actually able to read minds so that ability is already inside of us naturally, it has just been suppressed with the advent of language. That is really hopeful news. Wonder what else we used to be able to do or can possibly do with the right knowledge of how to access it?

Interesting stuff!


Well-known member
I think I would like to be a vampire. In Stephen King's Salem's Lot he tried to make vampires more scary and horrifying instead of romantic/sexy, etc., but I really couldn't understand how the characters in the book didn't WANT to become vampires. Superhuman strength, near-immortality, good looks (unless you find fangs and pale skin unattractive!)... what's so bad about that? Drinking blood isn't an issue because you want to, so... yeah. Don't see the problem.



Well-known member
Interview with a vampire, ah, I love that movie! ..

Living forever would be like a curse though, to me, but like someone else said maybe 500 or something years would be interesting.


Well-known member
On second thought, I wouldn't want to live forever if I were trapped in a coal mine or something like that.

I believe eventually if you live forever,life will feel as if you are trapped in a coal mine,you would have done everything possible and have nothing left to do.

People believing we will live forever in the afterlife,this idea is good now that mortality is a reality,but if we were to become immortal it would soon turn into hell,not heaven,heaven is here right now,or it could be hell depends on how people act,if they are kind or not......
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Well-known member
Nope, forever is just too long... and I hate blood and I like the sunlight :p
If I could live up to 100-112 years with reasonable health, then that would be great.
I think deep down we'd all want to live forever. None of us want to die, after all. At least, not now.
^ I am curious why you think that?
I hate living and only continue because I have to. I fight the urge to hasten my death on a monthly basis. I have always wondered why many people think that no humans could possibly be looking forward to their death.:idontknow::confused:

No way. Life is too painful to want to go through it forever.
^My thoughts exactly. :thumbup:


Nonono way. I have a hard time sticking through mortality as it is. I couldn't imagine never dying. You have to watch all your friends and family pass on - you would lose everyone you ever formed a bond with. As well - once you experienced everything you wanted. What then?


Well-known member
I don't know about forever, but being able to live longer than I normally would, might be nice. Although even that isn't what I want most.

80 years would probably be fine. 100 might be nicer. Maybe even longer. What I would really want though is to have really good genetics and really good health for my entire life. Feel like 20 years old even when 70.


Well, in some ways knowing I couldn't die would take a lot of the pressure off. I mean, if I couldn't starve or freeze to death, etc... then I would be free of the scramble for money and security and that kind of freedom would kick ***.