would you sleep with someone


Well-known member
on the first date :) i mean if you spent say 12 hours together and got on really really well , then went for a nice candle lit dinner , then went back to your place for a drink of coffee or what ever , and they made a move on you , would you say hey :eek: slow down we have just met :confused: or would you just go with the flow and think oh sod it why not :rolleyes:


Well-known member
I just go with what i feel and the chemistry/connection. So it depends on that.

I have done so once though, i met my ex in a nightclub and he came home with me at 3amish, we didnt do anything, but just talk. He left around 7am as he had work at half 7, all day we were texting and decided to go cinema at night time for our first date.

Then he came back to mine wasn't planned, we just wanted to spend more time together and we did it (OH NOES IM SUCH A WHOREZ!111!!!) I was with him for a year after that =)


Well-known member
I just go with what i feel and the chemistry/connection. So it depends on that.

I have done so once though, i met my ex in a nightclub and he came home with me at 3amish, we didnt do anything, but just talk. He left around 7am as he had work at half 7, all day we were texting and decided to go cinema at night time for our first date.

Then he came back to mine wasn't planned, we just wanted to spend more time together and we did it (OH NOES IM SUCH A WHOREZ!111!!!) I was with him for a year after that =)

im telling your mum :D


Yes,as if I was dating the girl I would obviously be attracted to her and be wanting to form a relationship,and for me sex early on really breaks the ice anxiety wise.It's really helped in the past when it's happened.

Obviously I would only do it if the girl also wanted to move that fast,but I find once you sleep with someone..that's a big step,and after being naked with each other and being that intimate in brings down a lot of barriers we put up imo.


Well-known member
on the first date :) i mean if you spent say 12 hours together and got on really really well , then went for a nice candle lit dinner , then went back to your place for a drink of coffee or what ever , and they made a move on you , would you say hey :eek: slow down we have just met :confused: or would you just go with the flow and think oh sod it why not :rolleyes:

No, I wouldn't. If I was single right now, I would do many things differently than in the past.


Well-known member
No. I'd have to know someone better then just what I could learn on one date, even if it was for 12 hours.


Well-known member
Yes,as if I was dating the girl I would obviously be attracted to her and be wanting to form a relationship,and for me sex early on really breaks the ice anxiety wise.It's really helped in the past when it's happened.

Obviously I would only do it if the girl also wanted to move that fast,but I find once you sleep with someone..that's a big step,and after being naked with each other and being that intimate in brings down a lot of barriers we put up imo.

now this is true , i mean your both thinking about it , so if you just do it well .... its out of the way and as you say once that barrier is gone , its a lot better , you feel at ease with eachother :) but then were guys lol :D its any excuse isnt it LMAO .........


Well-known member
Lol definitely not. I'm 28 years old & have never had sex, so when I do it will only be with someone I've been with for a very long time & who I love & who loves me.


Well-known member
sure, why not...

we may as well throw down hardcore right off the bat, make apparent all of our insecurities and imperfections so that we can know what we're getting ourselves into. Ohh, gonna give you my loveee :D


if your both in that zone it just happens, whoever turns around and says they cant do it because they have just met is insane. sex is natural.


once that barrier is gone , its a lot better , you feel at ease with eachother :)

Yeah exactly,that's what I was trying to get at :) And as long as both people think it's the right thing to do,then not only is it a really intimate moment,but hopefully a whole lot of fun too ;)

And Bazza I'm shocked I thought you were a Virgin :rolleyes:


Well-known member
I have had this sorta happen once....but all the other times I was in a relationship with someone first...or at least had a couple dates...lol ;)


Well-known member
Yeah exactly,that's what I was trying to get at :) And as long as both people think it's the right thing to do,then not only is it a really intimate moment,but hopefully a whole lot of fun too ;)

And Bazza I'm shocked I thought you were a Virgin :rolleyes:

bazza is he just made that up ::p:

you really are very bad tonight :eek:

me mother is 80 and thinks a mobile phone is an alien life force and blames my re occurring headaches on account of getting my nose pierced 26 yrs ago ...so good luck with the email :D:D