would you rather


Well-known member
if you didnt have sa go out with some who has sa , what i mean is if you wasnt so shy and were really out going personality wise , would you give someone with sa who was the opposite of you a chance ? knowing they wouldnt want to do all the social stuff with you ?


Well-known member
That's a really difficult question to answer. I'd like to think I would. But I know from experience people become frustrated if you are unable to do what they want.


Well-known member
I think i would, i don't have SA. Im not a shy person, but even before i had my issues id prefer to stay in and watch movies than go out. So yeah i would totally give someone a chance with SA.


Well-known member
I think I would. I tend to be overly understandable and lenient and patient... to the extent that I usually end up being really hurt by the other person because I end up getting walked all over... but I always always give people the benefit of the doubt.... even when it's obvious that I should have stopped ages ago. So yea... I would definitely give them a chance, If I felt love there. I am the type of person that can love unconditionally. That means if you win me over... despite your problems or difficulties or whatever.... I will be extremely loyal to you... through good times and bad as they say. I am suffering this moment in fact, because of that very reason. My bf said to me just today that he didn't even know whether or not he still loves me. And I know rationally that he is in no position in his life to be in a relationship. He even told me... wait around if you want or see you in another life... as in he doesn't care what I do and I told him I wanted him in this life, not another one and that I do still love him... even if he doesn't know if he loves me anymore and I know.. I am the one in the end that is hurting myself even more than he could ever hurt me... by being too stupid to know when to stop, let go, and move on... Not that I am saying that dating a person with SA would make me stupid! Not at all! I just mean... I would give anyone a chance despite their issues... even if I know it's at a risk of being hurt in the end. It's just how I am. If that made any sense at all *sigh*


Super Moderator
Of course I'd give the person a chance! It would be horribly selfish of me if I expected them to do what I want and get offended if they didn't want to. There's more in a person than their level of "outgoing-ness" and prefered activities. Most people are way too superficial.


Well-known member
I 100% would as well ... I've somehow recognized that the more stronger poeple are the more supportive they become and I've somehow had this experience of feeling strong and supportive before.
Wish I could feel like that again!!:rolleyes:


Well-known member
Its hard to tell. I think without SA u would be totally different person, u would do different stuff, maybe u would hang out with "bad boys" and end being bad boy/girl too. Seems like all ppl with SA are nice, but i kinda dont think they all would be if they would be "normal". But yeah right now i would go if i wouldnt have SA.


Well-known member
I 100% would as well ... I've somehow recognized that the more stronger poeple are the more supportive they become and I've somehow had this experience of feeling strong and supportive before.
Wish I could feel like that again!!:rolleyes:

I agree with her :)

I'm drawn to quiet people anyways, more reserved. Whether I'm social or when I became antisocial, it's been the same.