Would you imagine yourself working at a cash register?


I won't imagine myself working at a cash register, I would be too clumsy and would be so anxious standing in front of all those people to deal with clothes, and other stuff.I can be friendly of course, But I will get a anxious feeling and that will mess it all up. That will make me wanna walk away.
But Ofc. It would be great if I would do that, cuz then I can work on my problems everyday. But I would be thrown in a cage with lions..

How about you guys?


id love to work on a cash till at a supermarket but of course im way to nervous to do that so i have to bite the bullet and work like a dog in a factory.


Staff member
Scarey job that I used to do when I worked at Starbucks, you have to put on an act and try to get by with pre-programmed till sales chat. It works though!

Luckily they rota you so you are not on till all day, I found it helpful with SA, kinda in at the deep end, I quit Electronics to go into retail, it was a better challenge socially.


Well-known member
I used to work in a pub, it was a really busy local football pub and i absolutely loved it, of course that was before my SA really kicked in, now the thought of working somewhere like that makes my skin crawl.


I have actually sold CD's in the UK, not whole day, only mornings or afternoons/evenings. I had to help out while living in one family (the lady was owner of the shop). I was scared at first but luckily people weren't buying much, mostly teenagers looking and went away. I got eventually used to it and did it 4 months, I don't know how I would cope if it was a busy shop though :eek:.


Well-known member
But Ofc. It would be great if I would do that, cuz then I can work on my problems everyday. But I would be thrown in a cage with lions..

Maybe you'd be able to cope with it if you found some work at a really small, one off kinda shop - somewhere there won't be too many customers, then you won't have to worry about the pressure of dealing with too many people or big queues :)
I worked at Starbucks, but I quit several months later because of my anxiety. Also, I recently declined a cashier position in a department store for the same reason.
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Well-known member
I think maybe the "exposure therapy" would help me combat my problems, while earning money at the same time! But in the UK none of us can really get any jobs right now.


Well-known member
Hell no, keep me as far away as possible from cash registers and telephones. In fact, put me somewhere where nobody can see me or talk to me.


Well-known member
I've done it before. It was bad at first but I did get used to it a lot faster then I thought I would. It forced me to get good at "faking" idle chit chat while still keeping my mind on other things. Because of it I can still fake my way through small talk if I ever need to.
I've worked as a cashier since I was 17- I'm now 31. I have to say that I don't think it helps with my SA, because the conversations are more or less "scripted"- which I have no problem with. I'm good with math, and can figure change and things like that quickly, and do well with multi-tasking... straying outside of the routine script is where I have issues, but I've pretty much never had to worry about that. People aren't trying to be social when they come through your line, they want their transaction handled quickly, efficiently, and with some amount of friendliness/pleasantries, but overall, you're not going to make friends or find people to date that way.


Well-known member
I'd be way too self concious to serve people. I wouldn't be comfortable with my tics. I'd think everyone would be looking and laughing at me. That's before the social anxiety issues kick in.


Well-known member
hmmm i could probably do it , but to be honest i like working outside ... give me the sunshine , rain , as long as im outside .......
Yeah, I can prolyl see myself doing that. I have been looknig for jobs lately, and applying as a cashier at some places, so it might be a reality soon. It seems kinda like dull work, but if you can keep yourself together working with people a lot is a good experience.


Well-known member
I did. Actually I liked working as a cashier than sales associate. Cashier, I didn't need to talk to co-workers but just customers with whom I knew what to say.


Well-known member
It's not so bad. I have worked in a department store for almost five years total (with a school break between.) I would apply to be a sales associate. That way you mainly work on the floor, with occasionally being called as back-up to the register.

Most registers are easy to use. Plus, you can just say "I'm new." I used that line for months when I didn't know what to do.


Well-known member
I used to work at a bagel shop, sometimes I would get register and I LOVED it! So easy! Ring people up, take their money, make change.....cake!!