Would you imagine yourself working at a cash register?


I worked at a clothing store a few years ago when i didnt have anxiety and i loved it.
i would have such a giggle with some of the customers and the people i worked with were great, we use to go out on weekends together it was fun.
but now i have anxiety i would hate it


Well-known member
I've been wondering this for awhile, because it's the only job that seems to be available for me and my family is broke now. I think i'm going to have to, but It sounds like a nightmare job for somebody like me.

Then there's the people who say "Carefull when bagging the ______" or "I want to save bags, please only put the heavy things in bags" and suddenly your mind goes blank on what heavy means... Is a coconut heavy? What about a box of cereal? Stop watching me! ahh!

heh =]


Well-known member
Working retail is great! You can have fun greeting the customers, making small talk, etc. because they people coming in aren't really there to see YOU anyway - they're coming in to buy clothes, or whatever. You don't have to make friends with them. Just pretend to be friendly, pretend to be confident, pretend to be interesting. They'll be gone in fifteen minutes and you may never see them again. You don't have to expose yourself to them. You are safe behind your name badge and cash register. Just relax and have a good time and get the people what they want. :)

I manage a store - and need to hire a few people right now, because our busy season is approaching and we are expanding. If anyone is in the area....

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
where ever your thinking about working, go ask the employees what its like to work there, and what the customers are like. its no good if you sign the paperwork and find out later your store attracts every vicious old lady for miles because it sells a lot of spandex. really its very important to ask


Active member
I worked on checkout at a supermarket on and off for five years (among other departments). I never liked it but wanted the money and the people I worked with were always nice. I think it helped a little getting exposure to an anxiety-provoking situation but only to a point. I still never felt at ease, especially when the store got busy, a couple of times I had anxiety attacks and was almost in tears which was embarrassing. At the time I didn't realise I had anxiety so I kept working.

I think it could potentially help people combat their anxiety but I'd suggest working at a smaller store or somewhere not too busy.


Well-known member
HELL NO! I tried that 6 years ago and only lasted one day. Just interacting with people was bad enough for me, but we were supposed to push upcoming DVD releases on people as we rang them up. And when I found out that my job basically depended on selling them to people, my attitude quickly rhymed with "truck hat."

Then I really started having anxiety problems....



Well-known member
I have counting problems I cant count large numbers with ease so I will never be able to do this job.
Working retail is great! You can have fun greeting the customers, making small talk, etc. because they people coming in aren't really there to see YOU anyway - they're coming in to buy clothes, or whatever. You don't have to make friends with them. Just pretend to be friendly, pretend to be confident, pretend to be interesting. They'll be gone in fifteen minutes and you may never see them again. You don't have to expose yourself to them. You are safe behind your name badge and cash register. Just relax and have a good time and get the people what they want. :)
You're right, they aren't coming to see us, that makes it safe. And you describe it as a very good job. But I think i'd never be able to do a job. :(
My SA rules my whole life.. , I think I need help first.
I never had a job and i'm 18 now.. it sux :/

But I hope in the future to have a goob job !!


I've actually had to work on cash register before. I have to say, it's helped me A LOT! I'm not ridiculously shy anymore, so I'm glad I did. Sometimes it sucked, because I would make mistakes on the register or say something stupid, and I felt like a total idiot, but now I can confidently say hello, how are you etc to someone (Except people my own age (teenagers... I don't know why I can't!)).