World population to hit 7 billion

curb the population by telling the idiots who insist on having 20 freaking kids to knock it off and stop f**king without protection.

Seriously...WHY do you need more than 2 children? what is the purpose? "oh John, can we please keep busting out babies until we have a girl?? We have 4 boys but i wanna keep trying til I get my little baby girl."


F**king Breeders.

True, but many of those people who have 5000 kids don't have access to information or proper protection.

Personally, I will not be having any kids, so I'm doing my part!! ::p:


Well-known member


not actually Fiona Apple
curb the population by telling the idiots who insist on having 20 freaking kids to knock it off and stop f**king without protection.

Seriously...WHY do you need more than 2 children? what is the purpose? "oh John, can we please keep busting out babies until we have a girl?? We have 4 boys but i wanna keep trying til I get my little baby girl."


F**king Breeders.



Well-known member
yes, there's either no sex in germany, or really good birth control


They're germans, they sure like their kinky sex ;).

And I really don't see the reason for having more than one, maybe two, children.

What good comes from having such large families?, the parents just have to work more and spend less time with their children.
And I really don't see the reason for having more than one, maybe two, children.

What good comes from having such large families?, the parents just have to work more and spend less time with their children.

I always look at the Duggar family (they have, what, 18, 19 kids?) and just cringe. They had/have a tv show. I watched it once. I'm all for kids having chores and responsibility, but the older kids had to help raise the younger kids. That's not fair. They don't get to experience their full childhood. And it's not like some horrible accident left them in charge of their siblings. The parents made a conscious choice to keep procreating. And really, how much time do each of those kids get to spend with their parents?


Well-known member
As predicted here, the population will hit 7 billion on October 31st. It also shows some other interesting facts about the world (some good, some bad).

Personally, the world is vastly overpopulated and is struggling to support all of us. We're living on a fragile planet. And it's the only one we have!

What do you think about sharing the world with 6,999,999,999 others? What do you think of that linked site, too? Comments, thoughts, opinions, nastiness...all welcomed. :)

what a cool number 69........................................

i used to think we could effect the planet but I believe like Carlin r.i.p. says it's gonna shake us off like a bad case of fleas when she/mother earth wants to. :) We are insignificant at best.
狼;525568 said:
what a cool number 69........................................

i used to think we could effect the planet but I believe like Carlin r.i.p. says it's gonna shake us off like a bad case of fleas when she/mother earth wants to. :) We are insignificant at best.

We're insignificant compared to the Earth, and Earth is absolutely nothing compared to the universe. Our little existence here means nothing at all.


Well-known member
infant mortality rate


this is why some people have so many babies - in the hope that some live
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Well-known member
infant mortality rate


this is why some people have so many babies - in the hope that some live

How does infant mortality rate make you have more babies-how many babies do you have while your last kid is a few days old?!

I wonder if there's some genetic basis for people having more kids. If most people don't make it, wanting to have lots of kids gives you an evolutionary advantage.
I'd imagine that they have more kids because some don't survive, whether it be in infancy or in childhood. For a crude and somewhat outdated example, look at Abe Lincoln (that's all we do here in Illinois :)). He had four kids. One died at age 3, another at age 11, and a third at age 18. And the fourth (the actual first child) lived to be 82. It's a bit of a crap shoot. In underdeveloped countries with lacking medical care, child and infant mortality would play a huge part in how many children a person has.


Well-known member
Stephen Hawking said that at the current rate of population growth, by 2600 there will be so many people on the planet that we will be all standing shoulder to shoulder, occupying every inch of landmass. We will be using so much electricity that the whole globe will be glowing red hot.

Scary **** man.


Well-known member
infant mortality rate


this is why some people have so many babies - in the hope that some live

Yeah...I was talking about the countries in the US. Americans are freaking breeders. Jon and whatsherface + 8 as one example.

They think just bc they can't have kids they were still supposed to have kids so they pump themselves full of drugs and end up with a litter of children. REEdiculous.


Well-known member
There was a thing I read once that the whole world's population each with their own house could fit in the state of Texas. Well I probably read it back when it was 6 billion...
There was a thing I read once that the whole world's population each with their own house could fit in the state of Texas. Well I probably read it back when it was 6 billion...

Yeah, I heard that, too. This planet has a lot more space and resources than we like to give it credit for.


Well-known member
I came from the Philippines and the over population is a problem over there. Families are having more children for the belief that one day, they will get an "intelligent child" that will lift the family from destitute in the future. What is even more troubling is that there is a bill being propose over there that will address the population issue and there is strong opposition to it.