Why were you concieved?


Out of love, lust, or a bird dropped you from the sky.

I just learned recently, that my parents got married not because of love. But for survival... In a sense I can understand and at the same time I feel like I'm here to just continue their work and help them survive longer. It makes me think..." Phuck this... I shouldn't have been borned! I hate them so much!"

Love... is another rant in another thread at another time.


Well-known member
I wasn't a planned baby at all, my parents were going to stop having children after my sister. My mom was actually planning on getting a transabdominal sterilization (can't hav babiez nemoar) procedure. But then by some cruel stroke of coincidence, I was born! I don't really know if my parents had my sister and I from love. I really couldn't know because I have never seen them be loving towards each other, ever, in myyyy life. Maybe they were at some point, I'm not sure.
yah. dont be too hard on them. your parents are people too. aka, lost, afraid, and fallible like the rest of us.


ʞɹɐqʎǝʞɐןɟ;262158 said:
yah. dont be too hard on them. your parents are people too. aka, lost, afraid, and fallible like the rest of us.

The more reason I despise them...


Well-known member
Sorry in advance for the long post...

My mom...she had a baby when she was 17.. my half brother. And she was from a Catholic family so my grandmother made her give that baby up for adoption. I think she always regretted that because she really wanted children.. then one day she was up visiting my Aunt in WA state for her wedding and she was sitting in the library reading a book, and she looked up and saw my dad's legs and thought.. wow he has nice legs.. but then was like oh well whatever, and looked back down at her book. A couple minutes later my dad walked over to her and struck up a conversation.. "Hey you were at that wedding too huh blah blah blah" Anyway they became friends and a couple months later mom was moving from LA to Arizona to live with her aunt. My dad was on his way back up to WA state so they were car pooling. He was like, "Yea I will drop you off in Arizona on the way"... Well she fell asleep in the car and when she woke up they were in Albuquerque, NM. Mom was PISSED.. and he was like, hey we could make a life here for us.. and I can't turn around.. we are already too far passed Arizona. I thought you would want to be with me.. and mom was like No.. I don't love you or anything.. but see dad is abusive and controlling and mom is a weak pansy ass care bear that can't think for herself.. so they ended up staying in NM for a couple weeks.. mom really was just trying to get enough money to get back to Arizona and dad was just lazing around like an idiot.. and anyway one cold November night.. he started coming on to her and she thought to herself.. yea he has nice legs and good hair and eyes and teeth and it's that time of month and I really want a baby... and so boom I was conceived.. Mom never loved him.. she barely even liked him. She was just selfish and wanted a kid I guess.. And he was apparently good stock. Anyway then they both moved up to WA state together and thus starts my wonderful life of domestic violence until she gets smart and leaves him when I was 4.. haven't seen or talked to him since. Glorious, huh?


ʞɹɐqʎǝʞɐןɟ;262161 said:
i imagine something like, their relationship wasn't going well, so they had children to 'fix' it.

More like they need laborers and couldn't afford to hire them and decided to make them instead :\ Straight from the liers mouth.
More like they need laborers and couldn't afford to hire them and decided to make them instead :\ Straight from the liers mouth.

if thats the truth, their plan didnt go very well. my sister is lazy and i dont even live in the same province.


Well-known member
Out of lust i wasn't planned, and in the bedroom in my nans house that i sleep in when i stay over! weird, and weird how i know that lol.

My parents actually split up and when my mum found out i was pregnant they got back together, so if it wasn't for my borness my younger bro and sis wouldn't be born! They will thank me one day. :rolleyes: hehehe!


Well-known member
Out of love, lust, or a bird dropped you from the sky.

I just learned recently, that my parents got married not because of love. But for survival... In a sense I can understand and at the same time I feel like I'm here to just continue their work and help them survive longer. It makes me think..." Phuck this... I shouldn't have been borned! I hate them so much!"

Love... is another rant in another thread at another time.

Lust :) They got married a few years after I was born, I think even after my brother was born...I'm not sure. I'm not exactly sure why they got married either, must be something there because they are still together have 5 kids.


Well-known member
a big mistake lead to my birth, that's for sure. and yes definetely there's a strong conection between conception and general health of the "product"


I can't imagine how many children this generation will be phucked up because of their retarded parents mistakes and stupidity... Maybe I should go join an underground society; if one exist :p


How can I know? I don't talk to my parents about things like that and I don't even want to. The only thing I know is, I was born after 4 years of their marriage. Why so late, no idea.