Why were you concieved?


New member
Hey, just popping up out of nowhere here...

My father knew he was going to jail soon, so to keep my mother from cheating on him or forgetting about him, they decided to have me. So, she was pregnant with me while he spent a bit of time in jail. Sounds like a bright idea, huh. He was going to jail for a DUI though. So, i suppose those two things co-exist. You wanna hear some more odd shyt!! It seemed to have worked... They still live together 18 years later...


Active member
i was an accident. no one told my mom her cold medicine would negate the birth control... and here i am ::p::rolleyes:


Well-known member
My dad was brought to the hospital where my mom was working as a nurse. (Dad was a soldier at the time) They hooked up a few times.

Mom got pregnant. Still she didn't want to marry my dad, but my grandma (dad's mother) convinced her. Voila: Unhappy marriage

And they're still together. 22 years now. (They married one month after I was born.)


Well my parents do love each other, so I assume I was conceived out of love. All my siblings are girls and they almost gave up on having a boy. So I'm lucky they decided to try again or I wouldn't be here. o.o


Well-known member
Don't worry Nack, I think my parents conceived me out for survival too. I don't think they really love each other, but I guess in a sense they care for me considerably (in a controlling manner lol).


Well-known member
I hear that my mom stayed with my dad because my dad often threatened to kill himself if she didn't. I was planned though.


Well-known member
My parents already had a boy and wanted a girl, so I was born...I kinda wonder what they would've done had they had another boy...

I hope my son never asks about why he was concieved, though I wouldn't be surprised if he does some day. I didn't want a boyfriend, much less a kid, and made this clear to my now-ex-husband from the beginning, but he's apparently a narcissistic sociopath (according to a former therapist of mine), so my feelings didn't matter. So, my son was concieved through rape, and I was too afraid to tell anyone, so I married his father and stayed with him for a few years. Fortunately, we are divorced now.
i was an unplanned baby...lol...um yeah...my dad is 70 and mom is 55 and im 18...i hope i was born outta love but maybe it was just the need for...ewww:eek::eek::eek::eek: