Well, yes and no. Although i have joined a "s*x" site (is just another way to meet women), i'm quite confident that i won't try to make contact with any, and am considering hiding my profile from searches. I'm very much in 2 minds about women/s*x/girlfriend/etc (probably the logical & emotional minds?). But i do know that i don't feel "right" about having s*xual relations with a woman whom i barely know (or even one i know well!). That, and having never had a girlfriend, could possibly be due to my over-high ideals - of, as you say, finding that one "special" person. Everything else (all other women) has therfore fallen WAY short of this mark (eg women i excessively l*sted after, women i found physically attractive only, women who i felt indifferent about, ...). NONE of them may have been that "special" one, the "soul mate" one). And i VERY SELDOM go anywhere abroad (as always). Hence i am still single. Not complaining though.
Edit: Just a thought: MAYBE i'm aiming too high?. I mean, i do have SA & MANY other problems (most of which are probably in my head, but problems are problems). I mean, i guess it IS POSSIBLE that i have come accross "special" women in my life, but EVEN THEY are "not good enough"???