..Girls (or guys) are not cars, or possesions to be gotten. You don't go, "wow I think that it would be a good move for me to get myself a girlfriend to...
Speaking of cars, that actually (i think) makes a very good analogy. In the sense that you can either NOT have a car/gilfriend (& all that goes with it), or you can HAVE one (& all that goes with it). There's no "middle ground" - which is one thing i have strong reservations about. I don't do black/white, yes/no things, i'm a person of DEGREES.
For instance with a car: You buy a car. You then have to fork-out regularly for petrol, maintenance, break-downs, etc, as well as yearly Warrant-of-Fitness (road-worthiness certification) & registration fees. Having the car will change your lifestyle (if say didn't have any transport before, or used taxi sparingly). People will judge/see you a bit differently with a car, and also depending on the type/value/style of it (ie will reflect on your personality).
So WHY do you go throught the above things? All just to GET FROM POINT A TO POINT B.
Personally, the above, esp the money, is the reason why i have chosen to not get another car - for me it's just not worth it.