Who is young and likes Star Trek?


Active member
I know there is is a kind of stigma in western culture with star trek. Alot of people look down on those who like the show and those who like the show might be in the closet about weather or not they like it. Its like you get branded a nerd the moment you mention it. I hate those stereotypes.

I'm 24 and I've always been a star trek fan, Although not to the extent of dressing up as a klingon. I guess for me it's a kind of escapism.

As of yet I have not found anyone under 25 that likes the show and I don't think I've ever seen a girl who liked it . I'd love to have some trek fans on my contact list around my age to chat to.

So who else likes star trek here?

My MSN Address is [email protected]




Well-known member
Hey I'm 20 and i am a star trek fan like you i wouldn't be that big a fan compared too others. I have followed next generation but i only recently started watching the original and the other series. I agree sci-fi is a way of escaping reality


Well-known member
what did you think of the new movie? alot of trekkies are annoyed with it. I thought it was good but i hadn't watched the original series at that time. but it does seem to be so different from the star trek series maybe too much


Active member
what did you think of the new movie? alot of trekkies are annoyed with it. I thought it was good but i hadn't watched the original series at that time. it does seem to be so different from the star trek series maybe too much

I did liked the movie as a movie itself but It's not really the star trek I know. I gave it a 6/10 because it's a bit generic like alot of the new action movies, but this one is based on star trek.

My favorite star trek movies are the trilogy so thats star trek 2, 3 and 4.

My favorite series was the original series followed by next gen. Some how star trek itself got a bit generic at the end of DS9 and voyager But still good to watch. I've always thought it kicks Stargates ass.


Well-known member
I did liked the movie as a movie itself but It's not really the star trek I know. I gave it a 6/10 because it's a bit generic like alot of the new action movies, but this one is based on star trek.

My favorite star trek movies are the trilogy so thats star trek 2, 3 and 4.

My favorite series was the original series followed by next gen. Some how star trek itself got a bit generic at the end of DS9 and voyager But still good to watch. I've always thought it kicks Stargates ass.

I like stargate too mostly i love the humor and the characters in it but it certainly doesn't beat star trek


Well-known member
Hey, I'm 26 and a girl. So, not under 25 but I'd still like to comment. I loooove Star Trek. I watched Next Generation and Deep Space Nine as a youngin' and now have seen some TOS, Voyager and Enterprise.

My favorite aliens are Vulcans, I can't get enough of them. Klingon females are fun too. :p

I thought the new movie was fantastic and finally a chance for Trek to be fully realised with the best special effects and attention to detail. Zach Quinto was great he does an admirable job of filling Leonard Nimoy's shoes. (Love Leonard! So glad he was in the movie.)

Ok gotta turn the fangirl off, its scaring me. :)


Well-known member
Yes I am 16 although I only watched the next generation and onwards I never saw the originals I like Stargate also.


Active member
Does anyone feel ashamed to admit to liking star trek? I only let certain open minded people in on it.
I'd say most of the people who denigrate it haven't even seen it and probably like Stargate/doctor who/star wars/battlestar galactica anyway. It's just because it star trek

Maybe the new movie will change these "sheep of popular culture".


Well-known member
well iv got 89 videos of the next generation aint watched them for ages , saw them in a second hand shop for 3 quid each , so made a deal to buy the lot , that was years ago iv prob only watched 6 of them , how funny is that


Well-known member
I'm 17 and have been watching Star Trek along with other sci-fi shows, courtesy of my dad since I can remember. I'm not a die hard fan, but it's definitely embedded in me and I enjoy watching it when I can catch it on tv.


lol Im not young....29....but Ive been watching them all since they came out TNG/Voyageur/DS9....Ive seen every episode of those are least 100 times....lol met Robert Picardo last year....got his autograph haha

I will admit I never got into Enterprise much though


I love TNG, VOY, DS9, and enterprise but I loathe the original Star Trek. Im not into retro type tv shows, however the Star Trek movies are decent. Im 23
I'm 26 and an X Trekkie - I've watched the movies hundreds of times, and watched nearly every episode of TNG, DS9 and VOY. I saved up all my pocket money, just so I could buy the videos. :)