Which are the worst consequences you face having SA?


Active member
In my case inot being able to have sex, not having a gf, not having friends to talk and go out with are above all


just not being able to enjoy ANYTHING....even when I push myself to do something its such a struggle and I cant even enjoy it and have fun.


Well-known member
Becoming a hobo, spending the rest of your life in a tiny cell watching tv like a vegetable. Both of which are actually old dreams of mine.


Well-known member
For me it is just not having any friends that I can talk to or friends to go anywhere with. Also if I am at a party or with a group of people, not being able to join in with the fun they all are having because I cant talk to anyone and worry about what they are thinking about me.


Well-known member
I have faced being alone and feeling lonely since I was around 10 years old... I've wanted a girl friend and of course romance, but SA is the kiss of death for a guy and finding a partner.... Solitude has never been something I have wanted, it was thrown at me and I have but one choice, and that is to accept it...I guess I have two choices, and one of them involves a satin lining and allot of flowers....


I would say that the worst consequence of having SA was, for me, the deep emotional pain; the loneliness and the frustration caused by my inability to express myself.

I've learned how to deal with my feelings of loneliness, so that isn't such a big issue for me any more. And I'm making good headway in learning how to express myself which is also a positive. There is still a whole lot of room for improvement but, overall, I'd say I'm in a pretty good emotional place right now.

Silvox Black

Well-known member
Being left in this world with the cold realization that everything I lived for was a joke and a lie. Being left with nothing to live for, nothing to gain. Having everything I cherished either leave me or wither away to death. At this point, death would actually be a merciful blessing compared to anything else I would have to deal with.


Well-known member
1) Only being able to be myself when I'm completely alone, so no one knows my personality but me.
2) Not really knowing what my personality is because I'm too afraid around people to even have one.
4) Being 28 years old & having never been in a relationship & never even have been kissed.
5) Never having a job in my life.
6) Not being independent the way I'd like to be.
7) Still living with my mother.
8) Not being able to contribute to mine & my mother's financial well-being.
9) Not being able to stick up for myself.
10) Not being able to hold conversations or make friends.
11) Losing people I was once close with.

& on & on & on.


Well-known member
I feel like I've missed out on life in of itself. The last little while I've been reminiscing on things as simple as sitting in the car while someone ran into the store. Although thats more then just SA holding me back its a contributing factor. I missed out on being able to form normal friendships or have a relationship and its a bummer. Also because of missing out on these things it makes me not have as much motivation to push forward. I just really want to remember what if feels like to be happy.


Well-known member
Never experienced a relationship
No close friends
vitrtually non existant social life (go to a gun club sometimes)
Low confidence
Low self esteem
Still live with parents partly due to low income but largely due to low- confidence
People walk all over me due to fear of being assertive
Not being able to enjoy life
My brain a mass of confusion due to constant negative thoughts