What's the scariest dream you've ever had?


Super Moderator
Being a kid again and forced to torture other kids by some dude who was threatening with shooting me if I didn't obey. In the end, he didn't like how I did my job, so he said he had to kill me anyway :/


Well-known member
I always have dreams with zombies-- getting murdered by them in the end; ripped apart... etc...

There are some scariest ones that stand out in my mind but I don't think they would be appropriate to even vaguely describe in an open forum.
My dreams are never happy and always end with me being killed.


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My scary dreams usually involve me being chased by something that wants me dead. But there is one that immediately comes to mind. I was being chased by something or someone in a building with my family (kinda). I couldn't see who was chasing me; all I knew is he wanted me dead. I ran all over the building and I found, through a hole at my feet, my family standing a some floors right below me. There was a ladder that I could climb down, but they had moved it away from me. I begged and pleaded with them to move it, so I could climb down, but they wouldn't. Lucky for me and my sanity, I woke up before I could find out what my pursuer had planned for me.
Several years ago i had this seriously "blood'n'gore" dream/nightmare, the worst ever by far. Think it involved trains, maybe underground train station?. I recall walking in a large room, trying to get thru all the myriad of dead people & their body parts & blood & gore that lay piled around me, filling the entire room. Certainly not one of my favorite dreams, but at least i could "understand" it, unlike many other just plain wierd dreams.


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To be honest all of my dreams have been scary weird so its hard to decide which one I could define as "scariest" Last night, (and I knew I was expecting it sooner) I had a dream of looking at people's pictures. There were all Christmas photos but the people in them are scary looking. I think it was perceived they took "crystal meth". So I saw one photo of a girl in her before and after pictures. Well she kind of looked a little scary in the first one, in the second she had long sharp teeth, brown kind of frizzy thin hair, dark circles under her eyes, I think a few cuts on her face, pale looking, red eyes, looked depressed in a haunted way, and then eerie music was playing. I think it was taken during the mall and she was standing infront of the christmas tree looking like that. She literally looked like a monster. Other pictures I forget what the others looked like but they looked terrifying as well. :eek:


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Hmm. I've had dreams where I've been glad it was just a dream, because of the bad things that have happened in them, but I've never had a full-blown nightmare in my life.

One dream that stands out is that I did dream I raped someone. That was a long time ago now (years), yet the dream has never left my memory. It wasn't scary, but I'm very glad that it was a dream. ::(:
I had a dream where a spider was causing no harm just going about its day and I had invented a machine to kill the spider so I placed the spider in the machine and instead of killing it it grew massive then all of a sudden the machine tore the spider into pieces and so I sitched the machine off then all of a sudden the spiders body and legs started to attach itself together and it came back alive and I tried to keep it in the nachine but it broke out and was chasing me. So my friend put a slug in the machine to try and feed the spider so it wouldnt kill me but the slug grew bigger than the spider and it started to bubble and burst. The last thing I remember in my dream was the spider in the cornor of the room stalking me.

Another dream I had was i was in bed and turned around to see my partner, he was blue and covered in icicles and I tried to warm him up and wake him up but I couldn't I woke up to my boyfriend sleeping next to me warm and alive and I hugged him and said to him we need to get you warm...the impact of the dream was so disturbing I was so scared that when I woke up I thought the dream had been real and I tried my best to warm up when he didnt even needto be warmed up...I sat up in bed and was scared to go back to sleep


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I rarely have nightmares but i recall having this horrifing dream: I was surfing the net on my computer when the light went out, but strangely my PC was still on. I continued to surf the net like nothing happened until the screen went black. After a few second, the light came back on my PC, all i could see was the pale face of a man on the screen. His flesh was rotting and he has no eyes, with blood covered his face. It really scare my pants off when he slowly getting out of the screen, trying to reach me. I was too scared to move. The last thing i can remember is he grabed my hand


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at the age of 5... I dreamt that I had entered the "Staff Only" part of the grocery store and the walls were closing in on me. And i couldn't stop them.
It was terrifying at that time, and avoided that part of the supermarket for years , i still think it's a scary dream


In this dream/nightmare my dad was shot, one of his eyes were out of his sockets, and one of his ears were messed up and he died. It was so realistic that it made me cry for hours.


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I had a dream last night that my whole family was shot in front of me. I escaped on a bus with a cute girl, why such a nice ending to such a nightmare? Noooo idea! Still the scariest dream... Those images o_o
When my daughter was two years old, I dreamed she was kidnapped from her bedroom and I never saw her again. I woke up in a cold sweat. I spent the rest of the night sitting on her bed with my Colt .45 in my hand, ain't NOBODY stealing my baby girl!