what world is in your head?


Active member
a world where I have a time machine for a watch and I can go back in time whenever I make a mistake!!!!!!! AWESOMENESS!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
My world is stupidly verbal. Stupidly. My perception is weird and distorted and I over-analyze and control my thoughts and behavior. This is to the point that I barely perceive the world spatially anymore. It's funny because when I was little I remember almost everything vividly and visually, but I have almost no memories from more recent times. I barely even dream anymore. I hate my head-world.


Well-known member
It's hard to explain everything that goes on in my head. I get the weirdest thoughts sometimes. Makes me wonder if maybe I should be a film producer :D

I'll start with my dreams. In most of my dreams I'm some sort of super hero, but I'm rarely noticed. Like I could shoot fire out of my hand and people would just pass me by thinking it's fake or that they've seen it before. In other dreams there's some kind of cataclysm going one like an earthquake or a tsunami and I'm trying to save everyone, but there's always dumb people who don't want to be saved or are in shock and can't move. I feel horrible that I can't rescue them in time.

Now I also have day dreams. Whenever I go out and I'm walking or on the bus, I always imagine possible scenarios. Like accidents or disasters. For example, what would happen if the breaks on the bus were to fail. How would I react if we're about to crash? Would I panic and start screaming or would I take charge and try to help out? Some of these day-dreams are so vivid, they feel real. When I snap out of them, it takes me a few seconds to realize nothing has happened and everyone's safe.

Yeah, I know. I'm very weird. ::p:

Lost Girl

Well-known member
I go off on these big whimsical journeys in my head, more like fake plans for things that will never come about. my biggest fantasy is I want to travel to Africa or South America for humanitarian work, I think about it a lot like it is going to happen in a couple of years but it's very majorly unlikely :rolleyes:.

I also just day to day sort of imagine the person I'd like to be. A person who is unafraid to look the way she she wants, to say as she feels and who is unafraid to put herself out there and challenge all that she feels is not right in the world. *le sigh*


Well-known member
In my 'world', I live in a primitive nomadic tribe far in the past when man was still making its way to north and south america, and I am nothing like the confused person I am today, just a quiet hardworking part of mankind's non destructive past.


Well-known member
In my 'world', I live in a primitive nomadic tribe far in the past when man was still making its way to north and south america, and I am nothing like the confused person I am today, just a quiet hardworking part of mankind's non destructive past.

but they didnt have tvs :confused: sounds a bit boring no tv :confused:


Well-known member
For me, I would be living in the wilderness all by myself. I would be on the move constantly go where I feel right in that moment. I would live off the land become part of nature. Man that would be soooo sweet! And I would have some sort of earth bending powers, hmmmm or maybe air bending or maybe BOTH, haha!


Well-known member
An alternate hope I have is just to be sorta non existent in the way that I am currently right now. I don't know. Say, there's some other way to exist where nothing really has a physical manifestation. That would be nice.


Well-known member
pretty, flowery
long dresses
i am beautiful and in good health
i study and make art
i have two sisters
i am born into wealth and therefore financially secure
i have a beautiful cottage and garden where i sometimes entertain
there is a fantastic tree swing under the giant oak!
sometimes i get in trouble because i like to play tricks
i am witty and funny, but gentle and kind
i am known as a giving, responsible, upstanding citizen
i have my choice of well-bred gentlemen!


Active member
ahh awesome post! I spent many years lost in a fantasy world in my head. I used to create cartoon characters that I wished I was more like.
One was Shredman - Defender Of Rock a guitar weilding superhero
Stan The Snake I gotta laugh at Stan the Snake 'cause he is sooooo smooth but when it came to reality I would shudder in fear in the presence of a pretty girl... or snake in Stans case :D


Well-known member
I have a fantasy world with fantasy friends and fantasy relationships and such. Usually my basic premise of the world stays the same and I try to keep it as realistic as I can. My occupation is the only main thing that changes in the fantasy world. Right now in the world, I work for a businessman just helping him with things, he is also my best friend and a sort of mentor to me and helps me out in my life in the fantasy world :D yeah pretty weird huh? I think this is the first time I've ever talked about this to anyone lol


Active member
For me, I would be living in the wilderness all by myself. I would be on the move constantly go where I feel right in that moment. I would live off the land become part of nature. Man that would be soooo sweet! And I would have some sort of earth bending powers, hmmmm or maybe air bending or maybe BOTH, haha!

Dude, I would be the AVATAR!!!!!!!!!!! beat that!


Active member
ありがとう;312139 said:
Sometimes I imagine myself part of some films/anime/books, like if I was an extra cast in the show haha - particularly magical supernatural themed.

Otherwise I tend to imagine possibilities of the future... Such as living in another country, meeting new people... stuff like that.

Dude, I always imagined I was an extra cast in NARUTO!! LOL, I used to download the music off of the original soundtrack and listen to it as if it were an episode with me in it!!!!! ah..... the good times


Active member
I have a fantasy world with fantasy friends and fantasy relationships and such. Usually my basic premise of the world stays the same and I try to keep it as realistic as I can. My occupation is the only main thing that changes in the fantasy world. Right now in the world, I work for a businessman just helping him with things, he is also my best friend and a sort of mentor to me and helps me out in my life in the fantasy world :D yeah pretty weird huh? I think this is the first time I've ever talked about this to anyone lol

feel free to because your not alone lol


Active member
Yeah, I always thought about being the avatar however I dont think I could handle that kind of pressure, so i'll just stick with the half avatar with my earth and air bending lol

yeah, I wouldn't fair that good either lol, if I was the last airbender I would want to stay in the mountains, its peaceful lol. not go to various cities while I am being hunted down the fire nation lol

Apple Strudel

Well-known member
Living alone in a small, rectangular straw hut. Overlooking the hilly hills and behind my house, lays a patch of garden to grow my own veg (especially potatoes) and beyond that, there is the ocean with tons of sea life for me to consume. I would also have my own vehicle, a bicycle to cycle to the market to get other foods like chicken.

The inside is sturdy and I have my own kitchen, bedroom and computer setup. I have windows that are placed either dim or dark depends on where I want it to be.

I have my own Siamese cat called Oreo and maybe a tiny star turtle.

I have neighbours that are not too young or old and we have gatherings every weekends, singing songs and we have an appointed story-teller to tell us interesting stories. We do these in a huge, magnificent temple or church.

I am beautiful and slim, I am at peace.