what world is in your head?


Well-known member
this is a very interesting thread :)

well one is where i am an almost batman/punisher in the real world . no joke , i even have the suit down to a tee , its realistic and completely possible . i basically serve my own justice except instead of confronting criminals head on i do it ninja stlye and with a sniper rifle ha

the other is simple , i am a mma fighter and i define honor and what it means to be a real champion . i dont trash talk or anything , im respectful and of course undefeated :p


Well-known member
Sometimes I imagine I'm actually in a band. Leaning towards hard rock or metal, and quite good.

I also have the occasional fantasy about being a Jedi. Lightsabers are just too cool not to want at least one.

Other times I'm in either a medieval or medieval fantasy world. Righteous fury and cold steel, kicking ass and taking names, saving all the pretty maidens and helpless townsfolk. For the D&D-inclined, my favorite class has always been the paladin.

And I've always had a morbid fascination with war. Not so much the gallantry and pageantry as the filth and horror of it. Whether in medieval Europe, the American War for Independence, the American Civil War, or either of the World Wars, I've been dreaming about it all for as long as I can remember. Sometimes I wonder if I didn't die a horrible death in a past life.

Most of my worlds involve physical conflict and a cause other than my own well-being. And lots of blood. I really don't know why that is. Maybe it's all just a reflection of the emotional struggles I've gone through? I don't know.
Sometimes I imagine I'm actually in a band. Leaning towards hard rock or metal, and quite good.

I also have the occasional fantasy about being a Jedi. Lightsabers are just too cool not to want at least one.

Other times I'm in either a medieval or medieval fantasy world. Righteous fury and cold steel, kicking ass and taking names, saving all the pretty maidens and helpless townsfolk. For the D&D-inclined, my favorite class has always been the paladin.

And I've always had a morbid fascination with war. Not so much the gallantry and pageantry as the filth and horror of it. Whether in medieval Europe, the American War for Independence, the American Civil War, or either of the World Wars, I've been dreaming about it all for as long as I can remember. Sometimes I wonder if I didn't die a horrible death in a past life.

Most of my worlds involve physical conflict and a cause other than my own well-being. And lots of blood. I really don't know why that is. Maybe it's all just a reflection of the emotional struggles I've gone through? I don't know.

Hey, they're fantasies for a reason. Entertainment, escape. Violence sells, Rome lives on. Sorry, not to offend. I am same way, more blood the better.


Well-known member
"So I was wondering if someone took a trip in your head, what would they see you doing?"

Nothing really goes on in my head.

They would probably be trying to find there way out of the fog.


Well-known member
i wish i could be a tree that lives for over 500 years , with secret ears and eyes , be quite intereresting dont you think ;) watching things change over 500 years , and people get up to all sorts of things under trees , especially in the dark , nudge wink , know what im saying wink wink ....;)
You don't have to be a tree to spy on people. Why don't you just lurk around behind the bushes like any other pervert would?


Well-known member
i wish i could be a tree that lives for over 500 years , with secret ears and eyes , be quite intereresting dont you think ;) watching things change over 500 years , and people get up to all sorts of things under trees , especially in the dark , nudge wink , know what im saying wink wink ....;)

sometimes even up in the trees - or so I've heard