what things have made you happy today?

Hello there.

I think it would be great to share what makes you happy.
Because we can use a little positivity on this site.
It will make us feel happy, and worth it ;)
And I think it would be great to share what has made you happy today!

Today, I gave my bro some money to buy something off the store. He was really happy, he gave me a big hug, and he's at the store right now.
I do anything to make my brother smile :)

And I just took a bath while reading a book. Those things make me feel relaxed, and good.

And I'm back from a weekend staying at my grandparents.

Those things make me happy =)

Now lets start this thread.... Am curius what has made you happy today..

Xx share your story

Flowergirlie :-*


Well-known member
Feeling, just for a second, like I was my old self.

I was able to call someone and sounds confident, even though I didn't feel that much inside.

Going on here, and realizing that I could talk to people who knew what I have and not being ashamed about it.
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Rid of all these cables and wires. Maybe make some cash out of the whole process.
Plus side, driving Magnum today and highways will be empty.
Ah, yes, time for the lead foot freedom.

deleted user 1

Looking through my old photos yesterday has left me feeling reflective and happy today. My trust ginger friend Tigger (cat) always puts a smile on your face, lol.


Well-known member
during lunch, I took a perfect bite out of the center of a slice of american cheese!


am I awesome, or what?
Both of my kids invited friends around for the evening and we had a house full of laughing teenagers.


Well-known member
I called up root and she wasn't in the bath, so I chatted for a bit.

It's my mommy's birthday and she's having cake and my dad is moving bricks for her

and I get to go to play today

and I'm getting married and to the Appalachian mountains

and I bought a new shirt for $ 3.73 at goodwill


Well-known member
My team won today. I must say I doubted that they would, but they surprised me with their display, well for 65 minutes anyway. Now if only my other team would win tomorrow...:cool: