what is so attractive about felons?

Lost Girl

Well-known member
being poor doesnt excuse crime,I was poor,I have meet people who were poor,none of them turned to crime,in fact they are the best people I met,group pressure doesnt excuse either.

Forget the excuses, there are reasons for why people lose their way and take a wrong path. There are desperate situations, there are emotional and mental issues...... I honestly would have expected that in a mental health forum there would be more understanding, I was wrong.


Well-known member
Forget the excuses, there are reasons for why people lose their way and take a wrong path. There are desperate situations, there are emotional and mental issues...... I honestly would have expected that in a mental health forum there would be more understanding, I was wrong.

I am understanding,but not of criminals.


Well-known member
The real question is why are you defending criminals,that you have no proof they changed?

I doubt many change,to the ones who do,congratulations,but you cant blame people who are cautious around them.

Lost Girl

Well-known member
I wouldnt say it is luck at all
I think that one's morals and sense of self can mean little when one hits rock bottom and is desperate to escape whatever mental or emotional anguish they are experiencing. For me, it is nothing more than luck that I didn't end up a junkie/a prisoner/ or dead.

,some people just have their head screwed on straight
We're in a mental health forum.

Yes but nothing worth going to jail for.
So you've broken some rules and not others, congrats.

Lost Girl

Well-known member
The real question is why are you defending criminals,that you have no proof they changed?

I doubt many change,to the ones who do,congratulations,but you cant blame people who are cautious around them.

Because once again, I believe people shouldn't be judged on the mistakes they have made. We all make mistakes. If you're talking about a specific individual and you don't like that person based on their merits, then I am all for that, that is your prerogative. But to say every single person who has ever committed a crime is some big horrible monster that isn't worthy of a chance is incredibly narrow minded.
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Well-known member
NEWSFLASH!!! felons are not victims!

you want to sympathize with someone? sympathize for the destruction they cause and the people they hurt.

they have the ability to think for themsleves. if they choose to better themselves and hold themselves to higher standards- great. until then they remain in the loser category. boohoo.


Well-known member
Big muscles, tattoos and the fact that they were tough/crafty enough to survive prison is pretty bad ass. Let's face it. There is something attractive about a man who can take care of himself/hold his own when he has to, but.... would I date a felon? Hell no. lol It's like going to the zoo or watching one of those wildlife shows. Tigers, lions and other animals of prey are beautiful, and powerful, but you wouldn't actually get close to one in real life and hold out your hand to it.

yesss! haha :)

anyway, if you see 'felons' (as in someone who is still stuck in their criminal ways) always getting hot girls, it's because 99% of the time, those girls are dumb or they want some blow... i'm just sayin', haha :)
i wouldn't worry about it, the girls who are with the felons are probably not girls you'd want to be with anyway..
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They get "hot" girls because they are either too naive and/or equally twisted in their minds that they are not able to see the wrong they do, or are excusing them or even agree with them and cooperate with them.
I think this is a mature respectable answer.

I read once in an article that some women are attracted to such
men because they think they will be able to "tame" them.
Like a project of sorts.


Well-known member
there are good and bad felons people , not all people that have been inside are bad people ... some are just there cos of some bad situation ......and anyways stop talking about me im getting paraniod now :cool::D
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Well-known member
It's like going to the zoo or watching one of those wildlife shows. Tigers, lions and other animals of prey are beautiful, and powerful, but you wouldn't actually get close to one in real life and hold out your hand to it.

Felon or not, I'd take the large predator over humans any day. At least I know I'll be alright as long as it doesn't get hungry or feel threatened.

Humans, on the other hand, are much more complex and troublesome creatures. They can have everything and still be a pain in the butt.



Well-known member
what if i doesnt like your music :confused: they dont just attack if they feel threatened you know :eek:

If a guy came into my pen and played a mandolin-type instrument without dancing, I'd attack him, too.

Especially if he didn't play the little mandolin part from Spinal Tap's "Stonehenge."


Edit: That mandolin is collecting dust up in my bedroom, and after seeing this video I'll be sure never to play it around bears. ;)
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Well-known member
And ligers still have enough stripes to sort of qualify as an old prison jump suit, too.



Well-known member
And when you have exhausted all options?

I'm not saying that serial killers should be given a second chance, but if a former burglar behaves well in prison, shows improvement and all that, there's no reason to keep him locked in anymore. However, I'd understand it if neighbours, co-workers and other people are skeptical towards him.