Agreed that you should ignore those strangers. After all, you only see them once and will probably never see them again. I once went into a restaurant and sat across from this nasty lady who keeps picking on me. She commented on my weight negatively and talked about how sleepy I look, among other things in addition to the food I order (she called me cheap). When I started eating, she started banging her silverware at me. Her friend told her to stop doing it but she just kept glaring me like she hates me. I swear I dont know this lady, never seen her before, and I honestly dont know what she has against me. I wish I could speak out against her, as in ask her why is she insulting me, but she'll probably deny it and say I'm hearing things. Plus, she's like 2 decades older than me so she'll probably say I don't have the right to talk back at her.
I blamed myself for what happened, and the incident scarred me. Another reason why not to trust people or to like people. But, not everyone is like her. There are many nice
people out there. Just be prepared for haters because they will be everywhere. They could hate you for no reason. Just ignore them and take comfort in the fact that you'll
never see them again, hopefully. Don't blame yourself - they are the ones with the issue - they are the bullies.