What gladdens your heart?


New member
- Hockey , watching the Montreal Canadiens
- Reading , Lee Child has a great series of novels
- Exercising , lifting weights or getting in tune with nature
- Family , very supportive of me
- Music , I enjoy all genres except screamo
- Comedy/Podcasts , Joe Rogan Experience always puts me in a good mood.


Well-known member
When the sun comes out after an overcast, rainy day.

When I get a reply to a message i sent to someone. (as opposed to the normal rejection/being ignored)

When i know someone cares for me, even just a little.

When my team wins a game.

When people take me seriously and try to make me feel important.

When my friendship is reciprocated.

When someone sees a good quality in me that I'm unaware of.

When i know i fulfilled my responsibilities rather than being lazy.


Well-known member
When I can make someone laugh (in a good way).
Pouring a big glass of chocolate milk when I get home from work.
The way my favorite cat follows me out to the garden every time I go there.
Classical music before bedtime.
Helping a sick animal get better.
My morning commute, hot tea in hand, listening to NPR.
Sitting out in my lawn chair with a book and plenty of sunshine.
Taking photographs.
Savoring a rare treat.
Dogs who like hugs.
The river.
Sitting in a movie theatre anticipating the start of the show.
Buying books on clearance.


Well-known member
The way Lenny my cockatiel jumps at the door of her cage, letting me know she wants to be out.


Well-known member
Pretty much nothing at this point, unless if I receive text from someone I like or get to go out with him. Pathetic I know.


Well-known member
Positivity and inspiration?

Here's something I read today:


It got me thinking: if an inmate could be inspired to learn and get a job, why can't I?


Well-known member
Hmm, some things that make me happy are:
Getting the chance to read a new book, or rereading a book that I love

Watching a movie that I'm able to get lost in and that allows me to get out of my own head for a while

Learning a new song, discovering new music, and singing

I'm horrible at it, but dancing always makes me happy. That goes for playing the harmonica as well, I'm crap at it haha, but I love doing it.

Eating a big tray of Chinese food

Hearing macaroni and cheese being stirred :)