What do you want your gravestone to say?


Well-known member
I want it to say..

Estelle Hong...born july 14, 1985...
Suffered through her life....and is now finally at peace with herself and is by the Lords side...Rest in Peace my angel....You are finally freed from the world and all the turmoil..




he was there for me when I needed him; he helped me; he supported me; he encouraged me to live life to the fullest


Well-known member
Mine will say something like:

This guy was decapitated by a giant monster while he was asleep. If you don't post this message to three others grave stones, this guy will appear in your room while you are sleeping and will decapitate you.

It'll be the first graveyard spam chain. I'll be freakin famous.


Mine, hopefully: Been there, done that.


As the unoriginal bastard I am, I would plagiarize someone else´s epitaph, and I think this would be Virginia Woolf´s that as you all know killed herself drowning in a river.

"Against you I will fling myself unvanquished and unyielding,o Death!"


Well-known member
Either 1 Cor 6: 11And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.

Or 2 Cor 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

Or 1 Cor 15: 55O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?
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Well-known member

As part of my longer-term career plan, I've decided that I'd like to become a fossil. This means throwing myself into a peat bog or possibly into the sea onto a soft bed of sand that'll cover my bones over and prevent them from being worn away.

Then, in a few million years when humans no longer exist, alien archaeologists will come to Earth, find evidence of the ancient human species, uncover my remains (hopefully) and then put them in an alien museum where I'd be re-animated and prown skeletally around in a cage. I'd spend the rest of eternity scaring alien children :D

That's what I hope for, anyway.

Almost had a heart attack reading this, thanks. :D

i want mine to say
"he waited for help,it never came,"

This one could end up to be very ironic.
I either want it to say
"Here lies Danger... Damn he was cool!" Or
"Charlie Manson ain't got **** on me" preferably option two, but when I'm dead I won't have a say, and who would honestly put that on a loved ones tombstone, but I can dream!