What do you want your gravestone to say?


Well-known member
Lol... some of these would be kinda funny to come across in a cemetery...

I'd want mine to say, "The party is all set up and ready. Just waiting for you now... "


Well-known member
I would want it to say "Another man who put effort in making himself, and the world he lived in, a better place" and probably a little signature with Robert Frost's "In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on!"



He said he was ill...? lol kinda lame but the best i can come up with right now.Id wanna be buried in my baseball cap aswell.


Well-known member
my first name only in caps lock

but id rather be cremated so i dont come back as a zombie!!?!?!


Well-known member
I want my body to be eaten and my brain to be preserved and studied.

Anyone want to partake in the eating of my body? I'll have some surgeons make it fun by hiding the goodies from my medicine cabinet under random patches of skin and muscle...


Well-known member
"Ci-git XXX, à peine un peu plus pourri" (Henri Bataille) (Here lies XXX, just a little bit more rotten)
"Too weird to live, too rare to die" (Hunter S. Thompson) (Maybe a bit pretentious)
"Forget about flowers, bring me a beer" :roll:
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Pink_Glitter said:
When i die i want to be sent to the University of Tennessee Anthropological Research Facility or Body Farm as it's known, so no need for a headstone for me!

Body Farm 8O isnt that where they just leave you to rot so they can study the rate of decay!? Id so steal your body back and bury you properly,with headstone if you like it or not missie :lol:


Well-known member
sketchy24 said:
Lol... some of these would be kinda funny to come across in a cemetery...

I'd want mine to say, "The party is all set up and ready. Just waiting for you now... "

:lol: a party where people doesn't want to be welcomed... hahah!