What do you think about religion?


Well-known member
I grew up in a family of scientists. When I was a kid, and other children got baptized, my parents asked me whether I'd want that too. I thought about it, and since this religion stuff didn't make sense to me, I said that I didn't want that (despite all the money the other children got), because it would feel fake to get baptized while not believing.

I think religion can help people who are in dire situations. Who can pray to feel better and think that their belief makes them stronger.

On the other hand, religion has also many disadvantages. It causes people to be violent. Whether it's "you insulted my prophet" or "abortion is murder, let's bomb abortion clinics!", it doesn't matter. It also makes people try to tell others how they should live. "What you do is wrong, because my god says so. So stop it." Sometimes they try to 'convince' other people with violence this way, at other times, they try to use politics and create laws, that forces their ways of living onto others (gay marriage).

I also think that religion makes people value life less. While people like me think that we have only one life and every minute is worth to be cherished, they think "oh well, there is an afterlife anyway". And religious people are often against progress, because it clashes with the ancient rules and rites and traditions they have been taught. Combine those two facts, and you know why the USA is not only one of the most religious developed nations, but also the only developed country in the world, that regularly murders it's own citizens "for justice", even mentally disabled ones.

So, religion got it's ups and downs. I think everyone should do whatever he/she wants to become happy, as long as it doesn't involve hurting others. And that's the problem with religion: many (not all) religious people can't keep it to themselves.

Let's say I go shopping with some religious person, and we have following chat:
Other person: "oh, excuse me for a moment, I have to pray."
Me: "ok, I'll check these shelves for interesting wares until you are back."
Other person: "ok".
(notice, I'm NOT trying to tell that person what I think about the power of prayer)
Other person comes back: "done"
Me: "neat. Hey, what do you think about this t-shirt?"
Other person: "it's nice. And you'll go to hell."
Me: "sorry?"
Other person: "Your lifestyle. It's a fact that you will go to hell and will suffer eternal pain!"
Me: "uhm, but..."
Other person: "Eternal pain I say! In HELL! REPENT YOUR SINS!"
Me: "I'll just be going over there then..."
Other person: "You can run but you can't hide! I will vote for laws to force you to live according to my believes! Do you hear me! HELLLL!!!"

I mean seriously. Why can't they just say "according to my belief, I disagree with your lifestyle. But since your life is yours, and my belief is mine, that's ok".

You don't belief in gay marriage because you think that your god dislikes that? Well then don't marry someone of the same sex. Why do you have to force others to behave the same? It's not your life, you have no right to do so.

Not to mention that people are very selective about their believes. They pick the things they like about their religion, and ignore the rest. They claim that the bible commands you to hate gays, so they do that. But when the bible says "don't wear clothes made of more than one type of fabric", then they say "what utter nonsense, I don't care". They think that doctors who do abortion are murderers, because their belief says so. But when the bible tells them to murder their own wifes if they cheated on you, then that's ignored. They think that their religion is a buffet, where you take what you like in this second and ignore the rest.

But I'm talking too much.

As long as people keep their religious stuff to themselves, and don't try to change my life, I'm fine with it.

Btw: I'm not gay. But I can't stand intolerance.


I think what most people in the world perform isn´t the real religion, but farce. For me the real religion should be based on love and forgiveness, peacefulness, non dwelling, living in accordance with nature, which is something that is quite opposed to the narrowmindedness, fanaticism, dogmatism and truth twisting of the "religion". So to me what is normally called religion today is in fact antireligion. I don´t think that antireligion is atheism though, because I think many atheists seem to me equally narrowminded and biased. (Basically they reject the whole God just because the religious people do him a bad name and they believe their bull****). But it is not good to put labels, because as I often say, nothing is black and white, there are nuances in people´s beliefs, and besides people go through stages of truth seeking through their lives. In the end all it comes down to and what is most important is, how people live their daily lives, if they are kind and helpful, they are in fact living in accordance with religion, even if they have atheistic philosophy. I used to be atheist myself, but now I think that´s just a part of the truth, or some lower level, not the whole truth. Not that I was trying to convince anyone to see things the same way, I don´t even care what their belief is, as long as they live in an unharmful way.


Well-known member
I believe we are triune beings composed of body, mind and spirit. I believe all three are important to maintain and keep healthy. I'm a Christian who believes Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior of mankind. My belief comes from intensely personal experience. I do not endorse any church or organization, I only endorse Christ.

Would you mind sharing your personal experiance?


Well-known member
I'm a deist so i still get mental benefits without having to sing and feel awkward at church, etc. Even if i run into an angel like i (might have as a kid) it won't make me more social... it is what it is...


Well-known member
I dont talk about my personal beliefs often, and even then only with people i REALLY trust. to me its a very private and personal thing and to share it sort of....devalues it i guess?. I HATE it when my father in law keeps asking about it, to me its the equivalent of asking someone what color lingerie their wife is wearing. some stuff you just dont ask about!!>


Well-known member
I sat at this table with these "very" religious people once. We didn't talk much, but one of the things they made clear was that they didn't like gay people. However, there were a few times they would check out a girls body.

The two things I don't like about these "very" religious people is that they only choose to believe what suites them and that everyone who disagrees is wrongs and immorale. The same can go for atheist who try to tell people that what they believe is a fairytale.

I think religion can be a great thing for the people who seek it, but it can bad when it starts to effect the people who are not part of it. I personally am a theistic agnostic, because I believe no one could ever understand the work of an omniscient being.
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I sat at this table with these "very" religious people once. We didn't talk much, but one of the things they made clear was that they didn't like gay people. However, there were a few times they would check out a girls body.

The two things I don't like about these "very" religious people is that they only choose to believe what suites them and that everyone who disagrees is wrongs and immorale. The same can go for atheist who try to tell people that what they believe is a fairytale.

I think religion can be a great thing for the people who seek it, but it can bad when it starts to effect the people who are not part of it. I personally am a theistic agnostic, because I believe no one could ever understand the work of an omniscient being.

This and this and this and this. I suppose it's not so much religion as it is society in general, but I don't understand why they should care what other people do. A man can marry his goldfish for all I care.


Well-known member
I'm fine with people having religions as long as they don't force me to believe. I'm still on a journey and like to learn about religions. Eventually all paths lead to a God or force, who knows.