What do you think about religion?


Well-known member
My family are Christians and we weren't actually born Christians. Back then we were catholic, then my grandma turned into a Christian. My mom became Christian when she met my dad. At first I had to convert to a Christian so I can have faith. Then seeing how ridiculous Christianity is, I quitted. I hate how my grandma talks religiously. She said God sent an earthquake to Japan to punish the people. I also quit reading the Bible and going to church. I'm also tired of hearing this Doomsday BS. I hate Bible study, Its really boring! Its nothing but memorizing the verses. I remember last time when my grandma talks about the apocalypse stuff on the Bible. I was like what kind of religion is this? I thought religion is about peace! I got out of the Bible Study and my grandma called me an evil witch.

catholics are christians , they are simply not protestants


Well-known member
There are a few types of Christianity. There is evangelism, fundamentalism, and catholicism. It's the same but it's a little bit different.

thier are thousands of christian denominations , almost all of them are some form of protestantism bar roman catholicism and eastern orthodox which are centralised religons


Well-known member
I think religion can help mental health. The Bible says the God of the universe strongly desires a personal relationship with us and works everything for our good if we follow Him. If true, how great is that?!

The human body has 100 trillion cells, each of which has the informational equivalent of 8000 books of information. Hard to believe we sprung up by chance, without a (staggering) intelligence to guide creation.

I'm a Christian and can confirm the Holy Spirit can comfort and strengthen people. It has to be supernatural, since I can't generate the changes/improvements in my life on my own.

I'm trying to tread lightly as I say the above, but the original post itself seems a violation of the rules to respect others' beliefs in your words, so this whole thread might go poof.

i agree that religon can be a great form of support for many people , some of us have reached a point where we simply cannot accept conventional wisdom on matters god etc , i call myself an anti thiest more than athiest in that i reject the notion of god as presented to us by the bible , koran etc , for me , its absurd the idea of a personal god who cares about me deeply and is looking out for me , if that were the case , thier would be no babies dieing of hunger in africa , thats not to say thier is no god of some kind however , i can no more proove thier is no god than i can that thier is no flying teapot beyond the rings of saturn , nothing in this world or universe requires a god to explain it however
as with many other areas of the human experience, one of the problems presented by religion is the words we choose to label things

we can choose to name a rock, Chester

we can assign Chester any number of admirable qualities

we can carry Chester with us every where we go - perhaps that makes us feel more comfortable

and even consider Chester our friend

eventually, Chester becomes important to us, and we can't imagine life without him

and then someone else comes along and only sees a rock

is Chester just a rock?

or is He all the the things we've made Him out to be?
Can i meet chester and make him give me three wishes?:D:D::p:


Well-known member
I believe we are triune beings composed of body, mind and spirit. I believe all three are important to maintain and keep healthy. I'm a Christian who believes Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior of mankind. My belief comes from intensely personal experience. I do not endorse any church or organization, I only endorse Christ.


My family are Christians and we weren't actually born Christians. Back then we were catholic, then my grandma turned into a Christian. My mom became Christian when she met my dad. At first I had to convert to a Christian so I can have faith. Then seeing how ridiculous Christianity is, I quitted. I hate how my grandma talks religiously. She said God sent an earthquake to Japan to punish the people. I also quit reading the Bible and going to church. I'm also tired of hearing this Doomsday BS. I hate Bible study, Its really boring! Its nothing but memorizing the verses. I remember last time when my grandma talks about the apocalypse stuff on the Bible. I was like what kind of religion is this? I thought religion is about peace! I got out of the Bible Study and my grandma called me an evil witch.

believe in yourself. escape.....your family are taking christianity too seriously, too literally....be brave, get out of there, for your own sake


Well-known member
I dont like religions because of their rules and the constant need of many of their followers to try and prove that their religion is better. In my opinion religions destroy spirituality and instill guilt in people that are religious by having all these random rules. In christianity you must repent for what the bible says is a sin, Muslims must pray 5 times a day and never eat certain meat or drink alcohol, Jews must stay kosher, sheiks are forbidden to cut their hair and on and on. That being said I don't like to go around and tell people their beliefs are wrong and I know some really kind hearted people that are religious and I respect their beliefs. I personally do not have the same beliefs and dont like it when they are pushed upon me.


Well-known member
I am religious. I'm a Christian in that I believe in God but a lot of my personal morals are similar to those central to Buddhism.
I know that the faith I believe in may not be fact. It's just my personal belief and I respect everybody's individual beliefs. My faith helps me no matter how much others may scoff at it.
Nobody can prove anything is or isn't true.


Well-known member
I'm an agnostic atheist. I have very strong opinions about religion but I'm not really militant.

My view of the whole thing is that is your right to believe whatever you want, if that makes you happy I think that's great, but once you start trying to impose your very personal and subjective beliefs into others, then you're an awful human being that deserves to be fought with all the strength of us secular people.


I'm going to start going to church to improve my social anxiety. I don't really have any religious beliefs but it seems like a good way to connect with people, since religious people are usually very friendly and like to maintain a community among themselves. Anyway it will probably help my problems a lot more than being an isolated, stunted loner who rants on the Internet about how he has all of society figured out, without being in any way engaged in it.
I think religion is fantastic. Anything that can instill hope in a person should be supported. All of this talk of 'fairy tales' is dismissive and nothing about religion is as unrealistic as anything else. I dont like when religious people think that there is something wrong with those who don't follow there beliefs.
Can we abolish religion? I could go on about the process in which that could be achieved but the jackboots when be on my axe like flies on soap.
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Well-known member
I'm an atheist.I don't believe in God or after life.All this religion thing is for people how are scared of death and it seems that are allot of them.I don't want to life forever ,the idea of eternal life scares me more than a finite life.
Just think about this: we were dead for billion of years before we were born and nobody had complained about it.

The Observer

Well-known member
I dont believe in religion because I dont believe that anyone should live their lives as dictated by some book, rules or commandments or anything else that tells a person how to live their own life. I have no use for religion in my life, it serves me no purpose therefore it's a useless practice to me.


Well-known member
It's funny how much religion can hurt people actually. I grew up with an abusive stepfather who used religion as a power against us, saying we had demons and things like that & quoted things from the Bible against women. When him and my mother started having problems & the **** hit the fan, it was horrible. He would psychotically sing a Jezebel song into her voice-mail and do all types of awful things. I remember he said he smelled cigarette smoke at night and I denied it was me (it wasn't). He said he thought it was the demons coming from me and my mother & they smelled like the smoke. He would talk loudly to himself, supposedly praying, but really cursing people (politicians usually) on the television. It was scary. Once I was downstairs with a friend and he was yelling to himself (praying?). We called up to him 5 times and it got quiet. On the fifth call, he yelled "He's not here!" (talking about himself).

I'd say with Christianity the most laid back, educated ones are Presbyterians. The craziest, fundamentalist, uneducated ones are typically Pentecostal and Southern Baptist.

Okay long story short, my viewpoint of religion at the moment is bitter. But I do sort of believe in a higher power of some sort. Scientifically I don't think we could prove it but there must be some reason as to why we're all stuck here. It's odd how big of a mystery life really is.

So part of me believes in a "God" but not a religious god. Religions seem to do more harm than good.
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