What do you think about religion?

My family are Christians and we weren't actually born Christians. Back then we were catholic, then my grandma turned into a Christian. My mom became Christian when she met my dad. At first I had to convert to a Christian so I can have faith. Then seeing how ridiculous Christianity is, I quitted. I hate how my grandma talks religiously. She said God sent an earthquake to Japan to punish the people. I also quit reading the Bible and going to church. I'm also tired of hearing this Doomsday BS. I hate Bible study, Its really boring! Its nothing but memorizing the verses. I remember last time when my grandma talks about the apocalypse stuff on the Bible. I was like what kind of religion is this? I thought religion is about peace! I got out of the Bible Study and my grandma called me an evil witch.


I think people are good at compartmentalizing the part of their brain that deals with the ultimate question. In other words, they're perfectly reasonable people and have a working brain that can decipher between fact and fantasy yet when it comes to this it's like they shut all of that off and become unquestioning babies.

It gives people a community to belong to and makes them feel good, and that's fine with me, however I really only feel bad for the children who are being brought up by people like that. Religions that assume god is on their side block our progression as a species.

In an ideal world, no religion would be taught to anybody until they voluntarily seek it out when they're older. I guarantee there would be a huge percentage less of people who believe something without evidence. That kind of thing only works if it's solidified into your brain as a very young child.
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Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
My family are Christians and we weren't actually born Christians. Back then we were catholic, then my grandma turned into a Christian. My mom became Christian when she met my dad. At first I had to convert to a Christian so I can have faith. Then seeing how ridiculous Christianity is, I quitted. I hate how my grandma talks religiously. She said God sent an earthquake to Japan to punish the people. I also quit reading the Bible and going to church. I'm also tired of hearing this Doomsday BS. I hate Bible study, Its really boring! Its nothing but memorizing the verses. I remember last time when my grandma talks about the apocalypse stuff on the Bible. I was like what kind of religion is this? I thought religion is about peace! I got out of the Bible Study and my grandma called me an evil witch.

I'm not sure what you mean by your grandma being catholic and then turning Christian. Catholicism is a branch of Christianity, so if she was a catholic then surely she was already a Christian?

Anyway, what I think about religion is that people can believe in whatever they want to believe in as long as they don't discriminate against those who believe something different, or try to force their beliefs on those of us who aren't religious.


pretty sure I'd get banned or something like that if I answered honestly. I'll just say I'm not a fan.


Well I grew up Catholic, but never went to church. I don't want to offend anybody who's Christian, but I never connected with religion or 'God' in my life. I believe something more is out there, I just don't like all the hypocritical thinking in Christianity. I'm very Liberal, so a lot of the teaching I just can't understand or agree with.

So in the past year or so I've been researching religion and came to really love the Pagan sects. I love the connection to nature, I can just sit outside in the grass and feel so calm, I love being outdoors. I'm in the process of researching and reading about Wicca, but I'm not sure which one I'll go with.


Well-known member
No offense to religious people, but in my opinion, religion is mostly a hoax. I'm sure there are people who have the best intentions and i admire them, but there are others who are merely doing charades. Religion has created so many ideas, labels, and biases that judge and discriminate people. It's self-contradictory. They speak of peace, of oneness, of love but they separate themselves from those who do not subscribe to their teachings.
I'm not sure what you mean by your grandma being catholic and then turning Christian. Catholicism is a branch of Christianity, so if she was a catholic then surely she was already a Christian?

Anyway, what I think about religion is that people can believe in whatever they want to believe in as long as they don't discriminate against those who believe something different, or try to force their beliefs on those of us who aren't religious.

There are a few types of Christianity. There is evangelism, fundamentalism, and catholicism. It's the same but it's a little bit different.


Well-known member
It's the same but it's a little bit different.

I wanted to write a long answer to that but I decided not too, there are enough places on the internet you can read about that.

If you would like to stay within the Christian community, try and visit as many churches and denominations as possible. You will meet some wonderful people, some horrible people and sooner or later you will find a place where you feel welcome.

A place where you have to memorise verses and thinking the tsunami was sent as revenge is not a place where I would feel welcome.

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
Yeah, this thread will end well.

Here, have a seat.




New member
There is nothing wrong with Christianity. The thing thats wrong is the way alot of people misinterpret it and come up with all sorts of stupid lifestyles. Your Grandmother might call herself christian or whatever but i think youll find that its by "her" standards. Not Gods. And from what i can see it is definately NOT by Gods standards. But you can have people spoon feed you the meaning of Gods word till the cows come home. Until you pick the spoon up yourself youll never truly know Him and His TRUE nature n personality. When you try to read the Bible , listen to NO ONE. Just see it thru to the end yourself and only then will you know whats what =) ....well thats what i did anyway ^^


Staff member
Yeah, this thread will end well.

True, I already had to locked two previous threads and gave infractions because people could not be civil. This time I'll just ban people.

rules said:
4. Global This forum is a world forum, so members should respect each others religious and cultural differences, this also requires atheists and religious members to show respect when debating

So far this thread has gone well, lets keep it that way.

Back on topic please.


Well-known member
My view on religion is pretty simple.

There might be something out there, and there might not be. I think organized religion is, for the most part, a sham. I lead a moral life because it's the right thing to do as a human being, not because I fear punishment in the afterlife. I refuse to believe that a deity would punish a good person simply because they were taught to call him/her by the wrong name.


Well-known member
What do I think...Well:

(1)Either there is a God (more generally, a spirit realm), or there isn't - believing or not believing won't change that.

(2)All must be free to choose...

(3) I must quote David Foster Wallace on this...(broader theme of worship)

“Because here's something else that's weird but true: in the day-to day trenches of adult life, there is actually no such thing as atheism. There is no such thing as not worshipping. Everybody worships. The only choice we get is what to worship. And the compelling reason for maybe choosing some sort of god or spiritual-type thing to worship -- be it JC or Allah, bet it YHWH or the Wiccan Mother Goddess, or the Four Noble Truths, or some inviolable set of ethical principles -- is that pretty much anything else you worship will eat you alive. If you worship money and things, if they are where you tap real meaning in life, then you will never have enough, never feel you have enough. It's the truth. Worship your body and beauty and sexual allure and you will always feel ugly. And when time and age start showing, you will die a million deaths before they finally grieve you. On one level, we all know this stuff already. It's been codified as myths, proverbs, clichés, epigrams, parables; the skeleton of every great story. The whole trick is keeping the truth up front in daily consciousness.”
― David Foster Wallace


Well-known member
I think religion can help mental health. The Bible says the God of the universe strongly desires a personal relationship with us and works everything for our good if we follow Him. If true, how great is that?!

The human body has 100 trillion cells, each of which has the informational equivalent of 8000 books of information. Hard to believe we sprung up by chance, without a (staggering) intelligence to guide creation.

I'm a Christian and can confirm the Holy Spirit can comfort and strengthen people. It has to be supernatural, since I can't generate the changes/improvements in my life on my own.

I'm trying to tread lightly as I say the above, but the original post itself seems a violation of the rules to respect others' beliefs in your words, so this whole thread might go poof.


Well-known member
For me, personally, I don't see or feel a need for it in my life. I cope with things as they are without the need to seek comfort or advice in a religious text. I'm also quite sure in my moral compass to feel the same in matters of morality.

In general, I don't mind religion as long as the interpretation and practise of any religion doesn't:

- harm or discriminate against innocent people;

- get forced on people - if people don't believe, just accept it (and vice versa when it comes to atheism); and

- expect the rest of society to unreasonably accommodate its values or customs.


Even though I'm athiest, I think religion is a great thing. It ussually motivates people to do good and helps them cope through crisis.


Well-known member
as with many other areas of the human experience, one of the problems presented by religion is the words we choose to label things

we can choose to name a rock, Chester

we can assign Chester any number of admirable qualities

we can carry Chester with us every where we go - perhaps that makes us feel more comfortable

and even consider Chester our friend

eventually, Chester becomes important to us, and we can't imagine life without him

and then someone else comes along and only sees a rock

is Chester just a rock?

or is He all the the things we've made Him out to be?