What do you do...


Well-known member
Have a Bachelor's in Psychology and Anthropology. Finished school 5 years ago and don't even use it.

I manage a small cell phone store.

Was your anxiety very bad when you were working towards these? Were you ever afraid you wouldn't use them? I always look at people who work through college as if they must be inhumanly pragmatic, long-sighted people, because doing most things that don't pay dividends for even a month or two (which is most things) scares me as impossible or too uncertain an investment.
I'm currently in future Limbo.

I used to be an intern in worlds most unorganized recycle shop. While technically an intern there, I ended up streamlining many processes that I deemed inefficient. It was a challenge but also worked extremely corrosive on my patients.

I have a starters degree in baking, cooking and severing (proper waiting and table dress up).

I wouldn't work in a kitchen, though. Too much pressure, I wouldn't last a week. I'd much rather do something structured. Either cleaning or organizing a warehouse or something. Or something artistic like concept designer or 3D modeller or something.
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Well-known member
Part-time flea market bum, full-time shiftless lout. I toil not, neither do I spin. It's a wonder I'm not covered with moss.
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Well-known member
Self employed Web Designer and work in a supermarket too.
Interesting, I see some of you are also self employed and make a living from online business?

What do you guys do in your self employment and online business?


Active member
I'm a cleaner. It's not a job I brag about but I have nothing else I am qualified to do so I'm stuck there whether I like it or not.

By night I roam the streets and fight crime. You should see my cape.

:thumbup: Haha. Sounds cool to me!


Well-known member
I have no life at the moment as I just finished college but I hope to work in the field of archaeology one day!

Always wanted to do that as a kid! Watching "Time Team" with my dad.

I'm a student, studying Computer Science although I don't have a clue what career I want. Always had an interest in stocks and investments, so maybe that or work as a computer science researcher for the military...that would be awesome. (Not a fan of sci-fi, but developing AI for the army would be sweet)


Well-known member
Im in the airline Jetblue for 6 years, before that worked for two contractor companies for a few years.
I surpassed high school back in 1993 and held jobs before that, one was in a hospital as a storage employee.
I didnt go to college due to fear and anxiety
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Well-known member
10 hrs a week job, trying to volunteer but still haven't got called back at a park, go to university and still have to pick classes and i dunno what to major in for sure :s


Well-known member
I work for a couple of organisations in the charity sector, one as admin the other as editor.


Well-known member
I recently finished a Bachelor's degree in sociology; however, I am currently just working part-time at a grocery store. I don't know what I want to do next. Part of me wants to search for a decent, socially comfortable job that I can handle; yet, part of me wants to go back to school, so I can work on my Master's degree. The trouble is that if I went back to school, I would have to move away from home, and I am afraid to do that.


Well-known member
i am a housewife/zoo keeper at the moment and if i ever get back to work i will stick with cleaning, its a job i can do on my own and i dont have to speak to anyone :)


Well-known member
i am a housewife/zoo keeper at the moment and if i ever get back to work i will stick with cleaning, its a job i can do on my own and i dont have to speak to anyone :)

Haha zookeeper... :sarcastic: ...I love it.
You´re right, a cleaning job allows one to work in peace and not having the extra pressure of socializing, that´s what I liked about cleaning jobs.


Well-known member
i have a huge amount of animals, 11 cats 2 dogs 8 chickens 1 turkey and 3 fish lol so i think of my house as a zoo :bigsmile: and my animals dont care what i look like how freaky i am and they let me cuddly them when i cry lol


Well-known member
I used to want to go to university to study earth sciences, biology or medicin.

...But since two years I realized these dreams were someone else's. I don't think I'm smart enough and even if I was I would never be able to actually graduate because of anxiety and depression. Or, IF (this is a hypothetical 'if', bc it's never gonna happen) I did manage to graduate I would never be able to find a job due to anxiety and intolerance of stress.

Right now I'm just counting the days, trying to keep my head up and not let my family down. Don't have a job atm, still in high school for the time being.