What are the good things about being single?


Well-known member
They can try, but nothing kills a mood like someone unexpectedly walking in and shouting at you, then a long discussion about why you feel the need to masturbate when you have a partner, do you not love them? Are they ugly and fat? Is this why you forgot your anniversary? Screw it, they're going to stay at their mother's house for a while.

lol she doesnt need to know, you can do it while you shower( unless she interrupts you in the shower too?) or just tell her that you were thinking about her, it can make her less upset.


Well-known member
I think that lots of women and men are different - and cliches or generalizations are sometimes just that: cliches and generalizations.

Some women/men like football, or wouldn't mind certain things that others would... It depends on personal compatibility... and how well you know each other and how much you trust each other... if something is important to you it's probably good to discuss it with the other before moving in together... just sayin...


Well-known member
I can fart in peace.
I won't get his fart in my face.
I can go out and explore the world uninhibited, find myself, and become a better, well rounded person.
You have the freedom to totally be "yourself". You don't have to change any part of yourself to reach a compromise.


Well-known member
Some good answers in this thread. If your confident and outgoing being single probably offers loads of advantages: independence and freedom, you can sleep with lots of partners, lots of free time for hobbies, no one nagging you etc etc.

However anxiety gets in the way of all of that so being single and anxious usually just means your lonely.

Still I have no strong desire to be in a relationship. I'd prefer being single and confident enough to do what I want and get what I want in life. Its nice to feel that you have few obligations to anyone else.


Well-known member
I spend virtually nothing on grocery bills... then again; I still always cook way too much food for myself. -__-


Active member
you dont have to worry about what he/she is doing

if your partner or you get sick you dont have to sit and watch each other pass away

you can sleep as long as you want, no getting up to cook or clean


Well-known member
You can pay full price for a hotel room and not divide the cost. Oh, wait. That's a negative. Okay, how 'bout you can use the bathroom and leave the door open when living by yourself? I like to jam my ipod from my bedroom, across the hall into the bathroom while I take a shower.


Well-known member
Being now married, here is what I valued when single:

1. I could do what I wanted when I wanted all the time.
2. No arguments or disagreements about trivial things.
3. No one else to consult -decisions could be made fast.
4. No stress or anxiety from having to care for the emotional and physical health of another person.

Being single was great, but being married is better -wouldn't trade it for anything.


To me, being single means that I won't regret ever dating someone that has given me terrible haunting memories. Everytime I date someone, they leave me and that just gives me another memory to never forget.


Well-known member
I'm not sure if I even could be in a relationship, and it doesn't just have to with my shyness. I'd always do what I wanted and I think the girl would sick of me always doing what I wanted. I think I'm too selfish to be with someone else for long periods of time.