VENT HERE!!! don't hold it in, no judging here


New member
I have to go work nightshift in an hour and stuffed up my sleeping patterns. I'm trying to calm myself down with music, my anxiety is swirling inside of my chest, I'm itchy and am trying my best to ground, centre, and compose myself! I ate a lot of processed food today, and my emotions are all over the place after a reiki session yesterday. I was about to vent in the random thoughts thread, but I didn't want to disrespect the previous posts and apologise, then I'd beat myself up about it all night/morning!
Feel free to write whatever in here. No need for apologies and no need for fears of being judged (well maybe the guests will read it, but we have more freedom here than in public). Better off venting here than letting it fester inside of ourselves, poisoning ourselves physically/mentally/emotionally ultimately spiritually. I can see myself coming here again hahaha, anyways take care.
Irresponsibility of the majority proceeds to accelerate misanthropy.
The advice, comment that not all are this way leads to belief; very few.
Consideration toward keep-trying is waning.
How long can one continue without any sight of success?

This monsterosity has been shaped, carved and molded by those around. He is becoming what they all are combined. What they want, will him to be.


Well-known member


New member
but we already have two "how are you feeling threads"... same diff.

Thanks for that, last night my anxiety was too much for me to handle. I'm overly aggressive which I was aware of, and I didn't want to be rude. If I wasn't so hard on myself, or cared about being judge for not taking into consideration what others had posted before me, then I wouldn't bothered with this thread. Because I've been on nightshift, I find myself reading more on here than writing in my diary. I feel that I fit in more here than in my real life, even though most of the time I prefer to be on my own. Honestly I'm still fearful of being judged in here even though I shouldn't, but that would be the despair and hopelessness that all my troubles and failures stem from. Which I can't stop fighting.


Well-known member
whi isnt my brain in the right place??i question so much when most people dont even think..


Well-known member
So I went cycling in the forest yesterday and almost straight-away there were a bunch of 20 nordic walking, OAP hoodlums taking up the whole of the path. None of them moved over, not even a little. I had to cycle almost into the hedges. 20 years ago I'd of thought "well they fought a war for this country," but these ones didn't. Really I just feel guilty for not stopping and giving them a piece of my mind. If I don' tell them they're ******s how are they going to know. They're far to ignorant to figure it out for themselves.

I hate when people don´t move....Once I was cycling on a small dirt road in a forest, and suddenly there was a bunch of old people in front of me, so I rang the bell, to make them aware that I was there and that I would like to pass. One man says in an angry way: "WE also have THE RIGHT to walk here!!!!!!"

WTF man , NOT ONLY YOU, but ALL of us have the right to walk or drive here, and ALL of you are all over the road, and I wasn´t even annoyed before you opened your moth, I just rang the goddamm bell so you would know that I needed a little bit of space to pass.
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Well-known member
I know the title is VENT HERE!!! don't hold it in, no judging here, but if I were to do that I end up with an hour long hate speech about bunches of old people.

Hahaha, "bunches of old people".
Yeah there´s material enough for an hour long speech.


Well-known member
I tried to be open to your criticism, I know my presentation wasn't perfect, but don't poison me with your negativity when I need you to be supportive more than ever for me to push past these fears and be a better person.

if you think you can do it so much better than me then do it yourself but it was my idea they loved. Get your own ideas, Mac.

there's a difference of being constructively critical and just being thoughtless to someones feelings.


Well-known member
The Maritimes suck. I want to move to Ontario!

Why is it that there is never anyone from Nova Scoita, or anywhere in The Maritimes in fact? It's always Quebec or further west. :(
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New member
25 days sober from alcohol, haven't been on any anxiety type medication for over 5 months now. The severity of my anxiety and self sabotageing thoughts are more apparent, I guess that the positive is that I'm able to see my patterns and triggers. I've been told before that I'm too intense and I'm too hard on myself, I clearly believe it now hahaha