Unexplainable picture


Well-known member
Are you absolutely sure this isn't one of those pictures that comes preloaded in your phone and you just didn't notice it?


Well-known member
it doesn't look like real flowers. it looks like a floral print on fabric. like clothing, a tapestry, rug, couch. it actually looks like a hawaiian shirt very close up. was your dad or anyone you worked with wearing a hawaiian floral button down shirt? or even some of those floral board shorts? it looks like the camera went off while it was very close up, hence the bright light.
here in australia occasionally phones are sold as 'brand new' when they are actually second hand phones that have just been made to appear new...i was watching a show and this guy's daughter found rude pictures on her phone that was supposedly a brand new phone..it could explain that picture which was taken by a past owner of the phone and maybe the date was set wrong on the phone at the time.


Well-known member
I haven't seen it Mr. Moon. :(
The phone is 1 year old, I would have noticed it when the picture was there before. Also those 2nd handed you tell me, don't they say they are recertificated/refurbished ? Since here you got those products too but they honestly say that it is 2nd handed. The preloaded pictures are removed from day 1, that was a flower indeed, but another flower a good color close up from on flower not .. this. A waterfall and a mountain. How can it go off by itself ? And the camera is at the surface of the phone so it's directing to the desk. No way that any light could go through that.


Well-known member



Well-known member
Wow. Weird. And awesome picture! hahaha. Looks like some kind of other dimensional being hahaha, with leaves hahaha


Well-known member
That is so neat! Creepy...But neat...
I agree that it looks like some sort of floral fabric pattern.
You've searched your house and see NO floral patterns anywhere? They could be awfully small and hard to notice. Maybe floral wallpaper in a cupboard or something?


Well-known member
i once took a picture of a window and there was a giant butterfly. then i realized there was a little clear butterfly on the window. it could be a little pattern or maybe it's a ghost lol.


Well-known member
looks like heat coming off something :confused: dunno , also looks like a ghostie :eek: ......


Well-known member
According to Wikipedia, "The show was known for its eerie theme song composed by Michael Boyd and Gary Remal Malkin...." So there you go.

It seems to be
  • Very close to camera lense (a few cm or less)
  • Flat
  • Blurry (slightly moving)
  • Embroided fabric (or maybe iron-on)
  • Very strong light source (from other side of fabric)


Well-known member
I'm going with the devil (a self-portrait). Look at that pitchfork, all ready to f!ck you up. Plus, you said yourself, you were outside at the time and couldn't have taken it. He probably just set the self-timer and went for it. That still doesn't explain the flowers, though. What kind of gay devil has a floral print going on? :D


Well-known member
Yeah, actually it's like in the Final Destination movies. You're all dead 7 days after you watched the picture. I still got .. euh 31 hours.