Elephants Black or White?
springk Well-known member Nov 3, 2010 #763 is there a difference..lol. ok i choose centre. speak or listen?
NathanielWingatePeaslee Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn! Staff member Nov 3, 2010 #767 Dirigible, certainly. Hydrogen or helium?
NathanielWingatePeaslee Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn! Staff member Nov 4, 2010 #774 If I'm fighting a duel: pen. Otherwise sword. Rice or potatoes?
M mmmm Well-known member Nov 4, 2010 #775 SWORD!!!! But only if it's that really awesome one that Morgan Freeman had in the old Robin Hood. Owee! Eating Fear Factor food for the rest of your life or Feeling like you feel right now for the rest of your life?
SWORD!!!! But only if it's that really awesome one that Morgan Freeman had in the old Robin Hood. Owee! Eating Fear Factor food for the rest of your life or Feeling like you feel right now for the rest of your life?
M mmmm Well-known member Nov 4, 2010 #776 Ooops, sorry. Rice please. Eating Fear Factor food for the rest of your life or Feeling like you feel right now for the rest of your life?
Ooops, sorry. Rice please. Eating Fear Factor food for the rest of your life or Feeling like you feel right now for the rest of your life?
coyote Well-known member Nov 5, 2010 #777 eating what i feel like for the rest of my life emu saddle or noodle holster?
NathanielWingatePeaslee Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn! Staff member Nov 5, 2010 #778 I prefer to holster my noodle. German whites or French reds?