This or that thread


Well-known member
Strong conscience, I think if I was a me person I'd end up that asshole on youtube that everyone mocks for being a selfish git

To squash a cockroach under your feet everytime you walk barefoot, or to only be able to wear bowling shoes even when you sleep


Well-known member
Tricky very tricky, I'll opt for the bowling shoes even when I sleep.

To burp continually, or non stop farting?


Well-known member
burp, coz often you can muffle the burp, and it doesnt have the stench attached.

To have to say hello to every stranger you walk past, or to creepily slow wink at every third person you make eye contact with?


Well-known member
I'll opt for the hello to every stranger.

To eat pickled herrings or anchovy spread on a sao biscuit?


Well-known member
ugh, both sound horrible. But the sao would slow down the attempt at swallowing it whole to avoid the taste so I'll go with pickled herrings.

To work at a carnival as a ride operator or to work there as a sideshow attraction (I'll let you choose what your sideshow theme is)?